How to reduce the level of alcohol in the blood

Today we are going to teach you how to eliminate alcohol from the body . There are many myths about how to lower alcohol and most are not scientifically based or provide effective results. To know how to lower blood alcohol, we are going to analyze the way in which our body metabolizes alcohol and what are the most effective solutions to eliminate it in the shortest possible time.

How we assimilate alcohol

The body absorbs alcohol very quickly. In a few minutes we already notice the effects of our intake. Alcohol causes an alteration in our mood, our mental capacity and even our memory.

This is especially dangerous when we have to drive, since this physical and mental loss can have fatal results, both for us and for our companions or other people who circulate on public roads.

However, when it comes to eliminating alcohol from the body, our body does not work as quickly. Of course, the higher the intake, the greater the time it takes to lower blood alcohol.

When blood alcohol starts to drop

Alcohol begins to be detected in the blood within five minutes of being consumed. Maximum blood alcohol levels are reached between 30 and 90 minutes after ingestion.

Of course this refers to the intake of a sample, if for example we are consuming alcohol for a whole night and mixing it with carbonated drinks, the blood alcohol levels will continue to be high for several hours.

There are several factors that can alter these peak blood alcohol times. Not all alcoholic beverages are the same, and not all people metabolize alcohol in the same way.

The faster you drink, the more blood alcohol levels rise. The lack of solid food in the body can also delay the elimination of alcohol. Drinking alcohol hot or mixing it with soda pop can accelerate the rise in blood alcohol levels.

How alcohol is removed from the body

The body has three ways to remove alcohol from the body. You can do this through sweat, urine or excretion, and through breathing. The only process that we can alter to lower blood alcohol quickly is sweating, which can be caused by physical exercise.

However, we must be very careful with exercise while we are under the influence of alcoholic beverages, as the remedy could be worse than the disease. An effective way to protect ourselves against the effects of drinking and to better metabolize alcohol is by eating before eating it, since food has the ability to absorb part of the alcohol we consume.

Tricks to lower blood alcohol that don’t work

There are many hoaxes and myths about how to lower alcohol. These tricks have no scientific basis and do not offer effective results. Some of them are eating lemons, consuming energy drinks or going to sleep for a couple of hours.

In fact, when we sleep, the process of eliminating alcohol slows down, since our body postpones many of its functions until the moment we activate. Chewing gum, chewing coffee beans or inducing vomiting are other myths about how to lower blood alcohol.

How to reduce the level of alcohol in the blood

We have to be realists. If you’ve consumed alcohol, it will most likely stay with you for a few hours, at least five or six. If you have gone too far with drinking, your body can take up to 20 hours to eliminate alcohol from your body, so if you don’t want it to stay with you for so long, it is best to drink slowly and in moderation.

Despite this, although you cannot lower the level of alcohol right after consuming it, there are some formulas that can help you eliminate alcohol from the body more quickly during the hours following consumption. Let’s see what they are.

Ways to Lower Blood Alcohol Quickly

  1. Although physical exercise is not recommended right after having consumed alcohol, the next day and after resting for a few hours, sports can help you eliminate alcohol from the body more quickly.

    Exercise will cause you to sweat, one of the ways the body uses to lower blood alcohol. In addition, physical exertion will make your metabolism accelerateand you will make the alcohol absorbed by food disappear from your body when you go to the toilet.

  2. If you think you will not be able to resist the temptation, eat well before drinking. And do it with healthy meals. Food has the ability to absorb the alcohol you eat, and since you are going to do yourself some harm by adding alcohol to your liver, don’t also spoil your stomach by eating unhealthy and copious meals.
  3. Drink lots of water. This is not a myth. Just add water to any drink to see how it alters. Inside your body the same process is repeated. Water helps to dilute the alcohol in the blood, especially the day after drinking it. With these practices you can buy some time from the natural cycle of alcohol in your body.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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