How to record a meeting with Zoom?

Being able to record a meeting with Zoom is one of the many possibilities that this platform includes for its different users. Nowadays, it is not a novelty that meetings or work meetings are held remotely, so the use of Zoom greatly simplifies this task.

How to Record a Meeting with Zoom

Downloading the Zoom video calling App is essential for these purposes. In this way, you can get all the juice out of this app for video calls.

When making video calls or meetings with Zoom , one of the most recurrent needs is to record during it . Either for an important announcement or to be able to review exactly what was said.

The truth is that, whether or not it is for work reasons, being able to record in a video call is something really useful, that’s why Zoom brings it to its users and we will easily teach you how to do it.

What do I need to be able to record a meeting with Zoom?

First of all, it is good to note that the option to record meetings is available for accounts of any level , that is, both free and paid.

All that is required is to have the recording settings enabled for the account and meeting rooms in question.

Steps to record a meeting with Zoom

Being able to start a local recording on this platform can only be carried out by the host of the room, or by anyone who has authorized it. Consequently, if you are the administrator, the option ” Record ” will be located in the preferences menu at the bottom of the screen .

If after this, a message appears with two alternatives, you must choose to select “Record on this computer “, if it does not appear there will be no problem. Then, the host will be able to see the recording symbol and the word “ Recording ” in the upper left part of their screen .

Therefore, at the end of the meeting, you will see a notification advising that there is a recording that has to be converted before you can see it.

After this process, which may take a while, the same system will open the folder where the recording file has been stored , which can now be used normally.

It is important to note that if the record symbol does not appear, it means that the mode was not activated correctly and nothing is being archived.

Also, if the meeting room or video call experiences improper closure or the conversion is interrupted, the recording may be damaged with no opportunity to retrieve it.

Pause or stop a recording

Although we have seen the simplified process to record a meeting with Zoom , in some cases it is necessary to pause and even stop it.

The difference is that when you pause the recording and then resume it, everything will be saved in the same file. Whereas, if one recording is stopped, and then another is started, two different files will be obtained at the end.

Now, to be able to stop or pause it, you have two options . Either from a small panel at the bottom that will be quite distinctive. Or, with the second method, through the recording indicator at the top left of the screen.

Place where the notice ” Recording paused ” will be displayed accordingly, and from which it can be resumed.

Let someone else join you to record a meeting with Zoom

This is basically granting permissions in said meeting room to a specific person, so that they can make the recording. What is achieved by directing the action towards the ” Participants ” icon found in the lower menu, the one with the little person and the + symbol.

Thus, within the indicated tab, move the cursor to the name of the user to be privileged, and click on the ” More ” option . Then, a settings menu will be displayed, in which you choose to select “ Allow record ” or “ Allow record ”.

In this way, the participant will be able to start the recordings, although the host will have the possibility to withdraw the permission at any time by repeating the process.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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