How to put a transparent profile picture on TikTok

Different are the applications that are more popular today and different are the functions that each one of them have, from sending messages, posting photos and even sharing videos , as does one of the trending applications, called TikTok, the protagonist of this article today.

This application allows us to upload videos of any content, and also to be able to communicate among our followers to stay in trend day by day, to become recognized and even to earn money with TikTok .

Basically one of the crucial rules if you want to be recognized in these applications, is simply to stand out from the others, either by the content you publish, by the way you communicate, or even by the originality of your profile . And today here in look how it is done, we will explain how to put your transparent profile photo on TikTok.

Index(  )

  1. Transparent profile photos
  2. How to put my profile photo transparent on TikTok?
    1. PNG Image
    2. Place image already translucent on TikTok
  3. Tips and tricks to improve the quality of your profile image

Transparent profile photos

In recent months there are different users who have created accounts on TikTok for their great entertainment in terms of videos that deal with any subject, of course, as long as these are suitable for all audiences, as it is a bit strict on this subject to be a familiar app.

The truth is that in recent weeks there have been several users where their profile picture is really particular and different, but it is not an error in the application or on your smart phone, it is about arrangements that you can make yourself , find out more below.

How to put my profile photo transparent on TikTok?

In order to have this original form in your profile, it is necessary to follow a series of steps that are really not complicated at all.

PNG Image

The first thing you should do is get an image in PNG format , this is really simple, because you just have to go to your trusted browser and in the Google image search engine you search for it without any problem, there are even web platforms such as it , which will help us remove the background from our images.

What we must do is enter the main page that we had mentioned before “”, once inside this website we must go to the section called “Upload image” where we will press on it.

Then a small window will open where we must select the photo or image that we want to use to make it translucent and press where it says “open”.

This website will be able to cut out the entire background of the image and will allow us to obtain by downloading the same image that we used at the beginning but in PNG format. Once the web offers us this image we must press where it says ” Download ” or ” download ” in Spanish.

Place image already translucent on TikTok

Once you have achieved the image you want, through a Google search, or through the web platform, just follow the steps below.

  1. The first thing you should do is make sure you have downloaded the PNG imageand that it is in your gallery. After this you must go to the central panel of applications on your cell phone and go to the icon of the TikTok application. Click on this.
  2. As soon as you are in this application, we must go directly to our profile, for this we press where it says “I” which is located in the lower right part of the screen. Click on this.
  3. Once in your profile, you can view your content, but we must go to the section called ” edit profile” which is located just below the number of followers you have. Click on this.
  4. We click on the circular option where our photo should be and which is called ” change my profile.”
  5. A small window will open where you must select the option ” select photo from gallery“.
  6. Immediately you will be directed to your gallery and once there you just have to look for the photo in PNG form obtained previously and press on it, then press where it says “confirm”.
  7. At this point in the steps, we just have to move or “square” the image we chose to our liking and press where it says “save”.

Tips and tricks to improve the quality of your profile image

If the photograph or image that you will place in profile you take from your Android phone and it is also in your gallery, we can improve the quality of the image with a few simple tips and tricks. The first thing you should do is configure your camera, making sure that the sharpness, contrast and saturation are in normal mode. Similarly, the exposure mode must be zero.

We go to the gallery and at the top of your mobile screen where there are three points, we press and select the edit option. Then at the bottom of the screen we will have several options, but the option to choose will be the icon of a circle with a minus and a plus.

In the circular icon we will only use three options which are exposure, contrast and intensity. In exposure we must reduce to minus 60, in contrast increase to more than 90 and in intensity increase it until obtaining the greatest possible sharpness obtaining realistic images.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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