How to prevent computer attacks? – Measures against viruses

Computer attacks are the biggest and most frequent threat that users who constantly use the Internet can suffer. These attacks can be deadly to a computer and to a person’s personal data. That is why we must learn what are the types of computer viruses and how to protect ourselves from them when using the internet. This post will teach you how to prevent computer attacks? – Measures against viruses .

What are the most popular cyber attacks?

To prevent computer attacks, you must know them first, so below we will explain which are the most popular:

  • Malware: these are programs designed to infiltrate systems and steal information.
  • Viruses: these are malicious codes that infect files on a system and this occurs when we open infected files or click on contaminated links.
  • Worms: this software is difficult to detect because when they infect a computer they do not damage the functioning of the system. In addition there are several types of computer worms to avoid.
  • Trojans: It is a malicious software that disguises itself as legitimate files to enter computer systems without being detected. When the user opens these files, the Trojan is in charge of opening a back door for the entry of malicious programs.
  • Spyware: it is a spy program in charge of obtaining confidential information from companies, governments or private users; This is responsible for installing programs on the computer that helps cybercriminals to steal information without us noticing.
  • AdWare: this is responsible for displaying advertising and collecting information about the tastes and preferences of users when they browse the Internet.
  • Ransomware: This attack takes care of hijacking personal information and then requesting a ransom. That is, you must make a transfer in bitcoins to recover the information.
  • Phishing: This attack consists of cybercriminals posing as certified personnel of an entity through email, calls or messages to steal your passwords or bank details.
  • DDoS: It consists of attacking a server or infrastructure from many computers to disable a company’s system.

How to prevent computer attacks?

  1. Install antivirus and antimalware on your PC, tablets and smartphone and keep them updated. Some antivirus are Norton, panda, TOTALAV, and McAfee.
  2. Keep your computers operating system up-to-date, since viruses take advantage of security holes to sneak into devices.
  3. Use a trusted browser (Safari, Google Chrome or Firefox) and keep it updated.
  4. Make sure you use the best secure VPNs for Windows to surf the web and avoid computer viruses.
  5. Make sure you go to official pages, since there are many pirate pages on the internet that try to steal your personal data.
  6. Take care of your password, it is important that you do not use the same password in all online services, do not share it with third parties or leave them saved on the computer. Create complex passwords that contain numbers, special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and change them regularly.
  7. Do not share personal information with anyone even if they say they are from a technical service, remember that no entity will contact you to request confidential information by mail, calls or messages.
  8. Do not click on suspicious links, or open files of people you do not know; Cybercriminals often send attractive messages to capture the user’s attention, but these are accompanied by viruses.
  9. Read carefully before clicking; we usually click accept without reading the message in question.
  10. If you get an offer or a spectacular gift from a friend by email or social networks; but to have more details of that award you must open a file or link, first contact your friend by a different way to make sure it is not a hoax.
  11. Download applications, software, movies, music, or other files from trusted websites; also do not download anything you find on the net.
  12. E-mail is the most common method used by cybercriminals to deceive their victims; Therefore, do not open emails from unknown people or answer suspicious surveys.
  13. Never post personal information on your social networks.
  14. Be cautious and use good judgment ; do not open links or files for emotion think before acting.
  15. In social networks, do not accept requests from people you do not know because they may be false profiles.
  16. Make frequent backup copies of your data.
  17. Keep your USB memory clean, as it tends to quickly become infected with any virus.

Computer attacks are frequent and can be suffered by anyone. That’s why it helps protect your device with Windows security in just a few steps. Also, follow the measures outlined in this article to avoid being a victim of malicious people lurking on the internet.

Preventing computer attacks requires a multifaceted approach, encompassing both technical and behavioral strategies. Here’s a table outlining key measures to consider:

Prevention Method Description Implementation Level
Install Security Software Utilize comprehensive security software, including antivirus, anti-malware, and firewall solutions, to detect and block threats. Individual & Organization
Regular Updates Keep all software, operating systems, and security tools up-to-date with the latest patches to protect against vulnerabilities. Individual & Organization
Use Strong, Unique Passwords Implement strong, unique passwords for all accounts and change them regularly. Consider using a password manager to securely store passwords. Individual & Organization
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Add an extra layer of security by requiring two or more verification factors to gain access to an account, such as a password and a code sent to a mobile device. Individual & Organization
Secure Network Connections Use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and ensure Wi-Fi networks are secure, encrypted, and hidden. Public Wi-Fi should be used with caution. Individual & Organization
Educate and Train Users Conduct regular training sessions on security best practices, phishing awareness, and safe internet habits for all users. Organization
Data Encryption Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest to protect it from unauthorized access. Individual & Organization
Backup Data Regularly Regularly back up important data to a secure, external location (such as cloud storage or an external hard drive) to prevent loss in case of a cyberattack. Individual & Organization
Limit User Access Apply the principle of least privilege (PoLP) by limiting user access rights and permissions to those necessary for their roles to minimize potential damage from insider threats or compromised accounts. Organization
Implement Security Policies Develop and enforce comprehensive security policies covering aspects like device usage, internet access, data handling, and response plans for security incidents. Organization
Monitor and Audit Systems Continuously monitor network and system activities for unusual behavior or unauthorized access attempts, and regularly audit systems and policies for compliance and effectiveness. Organization
Secure Email Practices Use email filtering solutions to detect and block spam and phishing attempts. Encourage the use of encrypted email communication when handling sensitive information. Individual & Organization
Disable Unnecessary Services Turn off or uninstall software, services, and protocols not in use to reduce potential entry points for attackers. Individual & Organization
Physical Security Ensure physical security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access to devices and networks, such as locking rooms, using privacy screens, and securing devices when not in use. Individual & Organization

This table outlines a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, balancing technical measures with human factors and organizational policies to create a robust defense against computer attacks.


In conclusion, preventing computer attacks requires a proactive and multi-faceted approach. By understanding the various threats that exist, implementing best practices for online security, and staying informed about emerging cyber threats, you can effectively safeguard your computer systems and data from malicious attacks. Remember, the best defense is a good offense when it comes to cybersecurity.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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