How to present work team to the Investors

Now is the time to convince investors on the motivation and effectiveness of our team. For this it is convenient to describe the characteristics and qualities of components, for example as follows shape:

– The team as a whole: qualities complementary of its members; proof that they are able to work together, as well as sticking together in the difficult moments; the participation of each of them on the team; the cast of property between them and the role that performed individually.

– Team members: aspects relevant information from your resume, such as studies, professional training, experience work, residence time in the foreigner, experience in the fields of direction and communication; capabilities noteworthy hobbies, achievements sports, artistic, etc. It is advisable be brief: include no more than a third of one sheet for each member. That’s it recommended to highlight those knowledge or skills of the team they will allow the project to move forward.

Questions to verify if the work team is well formed:

– Who are the members of the work team and in what stand out? (studies, experience work, achievements, reputation business)

– What experience and skills has the work team that will serve to start the entrepreneurship?

– What experience and skills lacks equipment?

– How and with whom should I complete the equipment?

– What motivates each of your members?

by Abdullah Sam
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