How to play Satisfactory;Satisfactory Complete Guide

Not so long ago, an excellent game from Coffee Stain Studios AB was released, released exclusively in the Epic Games Store, but has already won the love of fans. For many players who have never encountered such projects, it will be quite difficult to understand all the intricacies of the game at the initial stage of its study. After reading this guide, beginners will be able to gain enough knowledge to understand the structure of the world and the mechanics of the game.

How to play Satisfactory.

Satisfactory is a game about automation, construction and expansion of a factory for the production of various resources. The player is landed on one of the three planets selected on the start screen to further create a colony, explore the world and extract resources. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance. With each new milestone in development, the player has more tools available for development and solving various kinds of problems. As you progress through each stage of the game, the process of completing the tasks to improve the factory becomes more difficult, so first of all you need to be patient and show imagination, which is one of the main qualities to achieve a positive result.

Tips and first difficulties

Below are all the most important tips to help you get started in the game in the first hours.

Don’t take early mistakes and lack of plot seriously

The game is a sandbox, so there is no end goal, and the main task is to improve the factory and automate it. The further process of completing tasks is too exciting, so you should not abandon the game after the first failures.

Beware of animal fauna

Neutral animals do not react to the presence of the hero, however, almost the entire animal world is hostile, therefore, when meeting with an enemy, it is easiest to run away from him, and if this is impossible, then it is better to hit with a shocker.

Collect leaves, trees and berries

There are plenty of plants in the location, but you should not bypass them. They are the main fuel resources for the operation of generators to generate electrical energy at the initial stage of the game, so it is better to immediately stock up on a large number of leaves and trees than later spend additional time searching.

Berries restore the character’s health, so on the way it will not be superfluous to go around a couple of bushes.

Explore what starting resources are made of

It is better to immediately spend a few minutes memorizing the conditions for the production of resources, so that at the right time the required amount of wire or metal plates is already in the inventory.

Don’t waste time building a beautiful base

The main task at the initial stage is still to quickly and conveniently obtain resources. After improving the base to a certain level, it will be possible to calmly make it very beautiful.

Upgrade your hub to the maximum level in no time

You no longer have to mine simple resources manually, as the fourth level of improvement will open access to the Miner Mk1 – a stationary driller with which you can build a conveyor and start automated production.

Get busy producing resources

After improving the hub, you need to focus on collecting basic resources and products based on them. First of all, players must build a conveyor belt to the base from deposits of iron, copper and limestone. Build more smelters and constructors. Further improvements will require thousands of resources.

Don’t be afraid to use the deconstruction function

Without losing resources, you can reorganize the database using the “F” button. Moving buildings and changing production lines occurs in the shortest possible time, and the resources spent on creating mechanisms will return to your inventory.

Build warehouses

Expanding the base will require enough electricity to successfully maintain it. To do this, next to the generators, it is worth placing several warehouses for biomass and filling them to the maximum with recycled leaves and trees, for quick access to replenish the necessary resources for the production of electricity.

Use the “CTRL” key or foundation to accurately construct buildings

We use the button for efficient construction. When held, the game will try to place objects in accordance with the nearest buildings, next to or parallel. It is even more difficult to build a comfortable base on a small plot of land, so we use foundation blocks, walls and other elements to improve the factory into a multi-level space station of dreams.

Add a task list to the screen

Using RMB, you need to click on the selected object in the menu, after which a list of all the necessary resources for upgrading the base or building a mechanism will be displayed, which will allow you to control the number of items obtained in real time.

Climb to higher places

It is best to use the elevations near the base as often as possible in order to properly plan future development. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to build an observation tower.

Explore berries and other unique resources

After improving the HUB to the maximum level, the player has the opportunity to scan rare resources in his laboratory. First of all, we launch the berries into the car, as this will noticeably speed up the search process, and then we scan the rest one by one, they will come in handy later.

Find the slugs

Slugs are most often found in poisonous locations. They can also be found with a scanning device. This rare resource will come in handy for upgrading the HUB in the “Overclocking” section, which will increase the capacity of the factory.

Use shortcuts

Players can assign quick access to the mechanisms that are most often used. To do this, open the building construction menu, click on the object, and then on the number. From now on, the selected mechanism will become available under the selected number button.

Quick access to the coal industry

  1. Improving the HUB (Level 5).
  2. Assembly of parts (Level 2).
  3. Building a space elevator
  4. First delivery of a space elevator.
  5. Coal power engineering.

Useful tricks and secrets

  • Almost every field is guarded by wild boars. Players need to be careful and determine the location of the enemy by the sound they make.
  • Do not place blocks over mineral deposits. This location is required to install the automatic drill.
  • Electric poles have four connections. It is advisable to use two of them for buildings and two for connecting to other pillars.
  • Leave free space between buildings for the conveyor belt.
  • It is desirable to connect the constructor and the smelter to the warehouse. The finished components will be placed in it and have a constantly replenished stock.
  • Monitor the level of electricity generated. The power produced must always be higher than the peak values. Conversely, you should not run multiple machines at the same time if there is no need for this at the moment.
  • You can get to a hard-to-reach place using foundations, ladders, belts and other mechanisms.
  • For the most efficient use of space, a vertical conveyor mechanism must be installed.
  • The main treasures are found on hills or in caves.


How to use a parachute

This item allows the player to move in the air and not break when falling from a great height. First of all, the parachute must be created. To do this, you need to open it in the appropriate development branch and collect the necessary resources:


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  • Cloth (10 pcs.);
  • Cable (5 pcs.).

After that, create an item on the machine and put it in inventory. Now, being in the air, you need to press the jump button and the parachute will open.

How to fix save

Some players have a problem where the game does not see previous saves. The project is in early access, so such problems may occasionally appear, and there is no exact solution at the moment. Community users are advised to look for data in the game folder or in the user folder, but it is best to back up to a separate location after exiting the game.

How to search for copper, iron and limestone

Mineral deposits are scattered throughout the map. To quickly search for the nearest deposits, use the “C” button to pick up the resource scanner and, while holding the key, select the required component. The nearest fields will be displayed on the compass.

How to use the cargo station

The cargo station provides access to transport equipment and planning collection routes, which helps to increase production and facilitate factory automation.

For the full use of this structure, it is necessary to create fixed routes for the transportation of goods between bases. The player must get into the vehicle and turn on the recording mode by holding down the “C” key. The game will remember all the movements of the engineer, including the duration of stops and obstacle avoidance, after which the autopilot function will be available in the same menu.

It is recommended to make small stops at the collection points so that the transport has time to fully load or unload, as well as avoid narrow roads, difficult transitions and numerous obstacles, otherwise the car may get lost, and the travel time will noticeably increase.

How to use a radar tower

The radar tower shows the area around it on the map. The study area grows over time to the maximum possible. Placing the radar on a higher surface increases the maximum scan area.

To build a radar tower, you need the following components:

  • Heavy modular frame (5 units);
  • Quartz generator (15 units);
  • Lighthouse (10 units);
  • Cable (50 pcs.).

The radar system works in automatic mode and, after some time, will gradually open a part of the map. If you place a tower 3 km in height (the approximate zone of the structure limit), in the very center of the location, then it will be able to show the entire map.

How to use the scanner

The object scanner is used to search for rare resources and is created from the following components:

  • Reinforced iron plate (4 pcs.);
  • Lighthouse (3 units);
  • Screw (50 pcs.).

Before the player can search for resources, it is imperative to conduct research in the laboratory. Now you need to pick up the item and select a resource to search for. This is a great device for finding food, energy slugs and other unique objects.

How to play online

The game has two options for playing with friends, but it is not yet possible to meet random players from all over the world.


Join the game -> Select a player from the list of friends -> Connect and play.

Server creation:

New game -> Set up the session as you wish (set Session Type to Friends Only) and launch the game -> Wait for other players to connect -> Play.

Is there cross-platform between PS4 and PC?

At the moment, the game is only available on personal computers. The developers reported that the project will not appear on other platforms until the full release. At the moment Satisfactory is in early access, so information about cross-platform will appear not earlier than in a year, closer to the release of the full version.

Satisfactory is a unique game with interesting mechanics and a good idea: it captivates from the first minutes and attracts for dozens of hours. The project is in early access, but you can already enjoy its addictive gameplay to your heart’s content. Well, soon we are waiting for new unusual updates and enhancements that the developers promise to add.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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