How to play Half-Life: Alyx without a VR headset

Guide for launching a game without a virtual reality headset

Many fans of the Half-Life universe have found themselves in an awkward position this year. The new part of the series is finally out, but to play it as intended, you need not only an expensive computer, but also an equally expensive VR headset. Previously, we published a selection of all virtual reality headsets that are relevant today, and this time we will try to do without them altogether. There are already at least two quite working ways for a relatively comfortable game of Half-Life Alyx using a mouse and keyboard.

Half Life: Alyx no VR driver

Video instruction for installation and use

Development from our compatriot under the nickname r57 . Difficult to set up and take some getting used to, but you can play through the game and interact with the interactive environment. The main disadvantage is the narrow field of view (similar to the vertical mode of a smartphone). But otherwise, most of the functionality of Half-Life: Alyx works, albeit using a huge number of keys.

Installing Half Life: Alyx no VR driver:

  1. Install SteamVR.
  2. Download TrueOpenVR Portable.
  3. Unpack the contents of the archive to the Program Filesfolder on the system drive (usually C:) .
  4. Download the latest Half Life: Alyx no VR driver.
  5. Unpack the contents of the archive to C: \ Program Files \ TrueOpenVR \ Settings \ Drivers \.
  6. Download TrueOpenVR SteamVR Manual.
  7. Unpack the contents of the archive to C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ SteamVR \ drivers.
  8. Go to the C: \ Program Files \ TrueOpenVR \ Settings \folder and run the exe file .
  9. In the window that opens, uncheck the Auto enable and disable VR screenitem, select the HalfLifeAlyx64 option in the Driver item , leave the rest of the settings as standard.
  10. Go to C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ SteamVR \ drivers \ tovrand open the vrsettings file with notepad.
  11. In the item “Stereo”write the value false , in the items “DistortionK1” and “DistortionK2” write the value 0 , and in the items “ZoomHeight” and “ZoomWidth” – 1 .
  12. Finally, you can start the game!

Game control tips:

  1. Menu items will be activated with the left mouse button.
  2. In the game itself, the main menu can be called by pressing the Esc key.
  3. Movement in space is carried arrow keys, a camera rotation from the first face – mouse .
  4. You can squat with the 0key on the numpad (to the right of the arrows).
  5. You can go up and down using the PageUpand PageDown keys, respectively.
  6. Various buttons and switches are pressed by simply movingone of the hands to them.
  7. Items with the right hand can be taken with the LMB, and with the left – by holding the RMB and pressing the LMB .
  8. Hands are rotated in space with the U / H / J / Kkeys (away from yourself / towards yourself / counterclockwise / clockwise).
  9. If during the game you need to jump over an obstacle, then switch to the teleportation mode in the game settings.

Half-Life: Alyx FakeVR Mod

Video instruction for installation and use

This development aims to bring interaction with the game as close as possible to the usual controls in shooters. At the moment, the basic functionality is working, but it will be difficult to go through the whole game like that. But this mod is very easy to install – you don’t even need SteamVR:

  1. Download the latest Half-Life: Alyx FakeVR Mod.
  2. Install via the downloaded .exe file.
  3. Start the game.
  4. After the main menu appears,press Mouse_4 (side button) and activate the menu items with the E button .
  5. Press Tafter starting each level .
  6. Move by teleports via RMBor by switching to noclip mode and back with the Mouse_4 side button .
  7. You can interact with objects or weapons with the LMBbutton (take, pull, shoot, etc.).
  8. The backpack is opened with the 1key , and the inventory with the F key .

So far, these are all working ways to play Half-Life: Alyx without a VR headset. You can also use the RiftCat app , but at a minimum, you need VR glasses for your smartphone and manual gamepad settings. And this is a completely different story.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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