How to open the SIM card slot

How to open the SIM card slot.Why this was done is not clear, since the SIM card can be easily removed if desired, even if you have lost this key. Let’s figure out how to do this if you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation.The key hole is located next to the SIM card tray on the side and is quite large. Do not confuse it with the small microphone hole at the bottom of the smartphone, otherwise you risk damaging it by stuffing various objects into it!

How to properly open the SIM card slot with a key/How to open the SIM card slot

The question of how to open the SIM card slot with a specially designed key is very simple to solve. In fact, this is not a problem at all. You just need:

  1. Find a special key hole on the side of the smartphone body.
  2. Insert the key and click on it.
  3. Pull out the pulled-out tray, in which the SIM card will lie.

In some models, there is also a USB flash drive in the same tray. Replacing them is also simple – put in the tray in the correct position and push it into the body until it stops.

How to properly open the SIM card tray without a key

A special smartphone key is an additional trifle that tends to get lost. How do you open the SIM card tray then? It’s very simple – any metal product of suitable thickness will do for this to fit into the hole.

If you are a computer user, you probably know how to open a CD or DVD drive when it does not open itself and the disc needs to be taken out. There is also a hole on the drive tray into which you can insert, for example, a pin or a thin knitting needle, and push. The tray will pop out and you can take the disc.

Here, the principle is the same – you just need to insert something suitable and press, and the SIM will come out.

How to open the SIM card tray with a paper clip

A paper clip is a perfectly suitable item for removing a SIM card from a locked slot, moreover, it is quite accessible. It is used in the same way as a key – just bend one side of the paper clip, and its length will be quite enough, and it is quite convenient to hold it. The thickness of the wire from which the clip is made is also quite suitable.

Insert the resulting “pick” into the hole and press. The SIM card should slide out of the case, and then you just need to pull it out, as usual.

Method of removing the SIM card with the button

Several items to use if you don’t have a paper clip

Since you can open the SIM card slot in Xiaomi or Honor smartphones and many others with any suitable items, let’s take a look at some of them.

The connector can be opened quickly and easily with a needle, pin or hairpin. They are just ideal items for this purpose – comfortable and of the right thickness.

You can also pull out the slot using the staple bracket, if you straighten it. Not a very convenient thing due to its small size, but it copes with the task.

A mechanical pencil is not suitable for everyone – only one that has a long enough metal tube protruding at the end for a rod. It is this that you can try to insert into the hole. You should not use a graphite rod for this – it can easily break off and completely block the hole.

An ordinary toothpick is also suitable – its pointed end is rather thin over a long length and can be easily inserted instead of a key. Of course, thin wooden items must be handled with care so as not to accidentally break off.

How to get the tray and remove the SIM card if there is nothing like this? Take a closer look around. In any home or office, you can find something suitable, if only it fits into the hole and is strong enough.

Removing the SIM card with handy items

The SIM card slot does not open – what to do then

There are situations when the slot cannot be pulled out, even if you use the included key. It can move out a little, as usual, but then it does not come out with a slight movement, but gets stuck. This is a fairly common problem that causes justified anger of users against the developers of this useless construction.

So what if the SIM card gets stuck? Various reasons are possible here, and therefore different options for action. First, let’s make an important warning:

ATTENTION. If the tray is jammed, do not use more force by pressing in the hole with a needle, pin, or other sharp object. There is a risk of piercing the plastic and damaging anything inside the smartphone. This can result in costly repairs.

You can use a little force if you are using a blunt object – even a pin, but with a bit off sharp end. Sometimes pressing a little harder will fix the problem and release the tray.

The tray can get stuck due to the displaced SIM card, which rested against the case. This is especially the case if it was cut to microformat on its own or was simply inserted incorrectly. You can try to move it with something thin – a strip of foil, a blade, etc.

Sometimes it is enough to simply pull the tray harder and it will be released. But there is a nuance here.

IMPORTANT. Don’t use all your considerable strength. Otherwise, you may break the tray itself or something inside the smartphone. The SIM card can get caught , for example, on a bent contact, and you can completely tear it off.

Therefore, if you cannot remove the SIM card on your own, then the only option remains is to disassemble the smartphone and get it from the inside. It is, of course, better to do this in a service center.

Share your experience of using a smartphone with a lockable SIM card in the comments. Have you ever gotten it out without a key? Were there any problems with this and how did you solve them? Your experience will certainly be useful to our readers.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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