How to memorize numbers

Numbers have long become an important part of our life, but until now no one has ever tried to explain to us how to remember them. You can use external devices to store numerical information and thus make your life easier. However, in a business environment, a person who operates with facts and figures without referring to any devices or records always inspires respect.

If you are able to recall facts and figures from memory, then you are confident in your mental abilities. Memorizing numbers is a powerful brain training.

If you say the numbers out loud, the average person will be able to remember only seven of them in forward order and only five in reverse. However, if your memory is well trained, then your possibilities are endless. I memorize an arbitrary 50-digit number in less than 20 seconds, and a 100-digit number in 45 seconds. My memory for numbers is several times higher than average.

Anyone who uses the right strategy can achieve these results. If you begin to practice my methods, with pride and enthusiasm in improving your memory, you can develop superpowers too.

Many people try desperately to keep numbers in their heads by repeating them over and over again. To do this, they put in much more effort than to improve their memory in general. Practicing doesn’t necessarily mean improving. After all, if you constantly follow the wrong strategy, for example, succumb to bad habits, it will only get worse. Finding the right strategy is important. You can use the “number forms method” , it allows you to memorize small numbers. But I would like to demonstrate a method that will give you even more options.

Which is easier to remember:

unlimited human abilities



Of course, “unlimited human abilities”, because these words are easier to understand. You memorize them as soon as you say them. They make sense, they can be represented as an image. And the number has no obvious meaning, so it’s hard to remember. So, in order to memorize numbers, you need to give them meaning.

Memory masters use a variety of mnemonic techniques, but most of them involve replacing numbers with words and then with images.

We take a number and turn it into a letter. Then we put the letters into words. It may seem like it takes a lot of effort, but in reality you only need to come up with the code once, and then the memorization process becomes a piece of cake. The code is actually remembered by itself. Once you get to know him, you will discover a real numerical language. It is also a great way to develop your verbal and numerical intelligence at the same time.

Let’s start by examining the numeric code. Let’s just go through it together, and the system will take shape in your head by itself. First we take the vowels: a , e , and , in , s , e , u and i . They have no meaning. They simply function as placeholders.

Now look at the numbers and their corresponding letters:

1 – P, the first letter of the word ” time “, the word with which you began to learn to count.

2 – D , the first letter in the word “two” or “two”.

3 – T , the letter with which “three” and “three” begin.

0 – L: “zero” is a special number, so for it we will take the last letter of its name.

What number can be made from the word PARENTS ?

: 1 , 0: no value, D: 2, I: no value, T: 3, E: no value, L: 0 , I: no value. The number is 1230.


What word can be made from the number 331 ?

3: T 1: P We’ve got the letters TTR. If you add the vowels “ea”, you get the word THEATER ; if you add the letters “i” and “s”, then CAPTIONS will come out. Or try to insert the vowels “e” and add “I” at the end, then you get GRIND .

It seems that we are learning a foreign language.

4 is the letter H : four, four.

5 is the letter P : five, five

6  is the letter W : six, six

What word can be made from the number 654 ? Answer: effervescent.

7  is the letter C : seven, seven

8  is the letter B : eight, eight

  is the last digit, so for it we will use the last consonant of the word “nineKa” – that is, K.

What number can you turn the word owl into ?

Answer: 78.

What word can be made from the number 98?

Answer: kiwi .

The arsenal of letter matches can be expanded. For zero, you can add the letter H, and for numbers from five to nine, paired consonants. Then five will meet not only P but also B, six – not only the W, but also F to C for a EMI added Z to The eight – F and the corresponding nine will not only TO but also G .

Don’t you think that the number 0910400 7575073 4089 is as easy to remember as the phrase “UNRESTRICTED HUMAN ABILITIES”?

Now you know how to memorize any number!

You might argue, “But now I have to memorize both the number and the word!” No, this method is similar at first to how you learned to read. At first it will be really difficult for you to decipher the letters, but then you will find that it is given to you easily and simply.

Look at the number 007: you instantly remembered about James Bond. Our goal is to ensure that you remember the numerical value of each letter in the same instant. We are learning to fix information in memory, but we want to do it easily. We are not trying to learn to memorize more and more. We are trying to make information more memorable.

Of course, it takes some skill, but once you learn this method, you will use it all your life.

Next, I’ll give you a list of words for each number from 0 to 100.

  1. cradle
  2. lyre
  3. ice
  4. armor
  5. Ray
  6. paw
  7. goblin
  8. forest
  9. lava
  10. onion
  11. steering wheel
  12. rarity
  13. radio
  14. mouth
  15. a pen
  16. turnip
  17. sieve
  18. rice
  19. moat
  20. arm
  21. muzzle
  22. hole
  23. uncle
  24. children
  25. daughter
  26. depot
  27. shower
  28. board
  29. Virgo
  30. doc
  31. body
  32. shooting range
  33. Teddy
  34. aunt
  35. cloud
  36. slipper
  37. carcass
  38. cleaver
  39. product
  40. current
  41. stocking
  42. heck
  43. miracle
  44. chat
  45. chachacha
  46. chip
  47. nonsense
  48. clock
  49. chomp
  50. check
  51. saw
  52. feast
  53. pedal
  54. sweat
  55. bake
  56. dad
  57. a gun
  58. dog
  59. singer
  60. the God
  61. shawl
  62. ball
  63. masterpiece
  64. jester
  65. bug
  66. spike
  67. goo
  68. chassis
  69. the seam
  70. shock
  71. salt
  72. cheese
  73. garden
  74. network
  75. net
  76. soup
  77. drying
  78. nipple
  79. scoop
  80. bitches
  81. pitchfork
  82. thief
  83. water
  84. cotton wool
  85. evening
  86. boar
  87. louse
  88. Libra
  89. vova
  90. century
  91. count
  92. chickens
  93. sneakers
  94. cat
  95. heap
  96. compartment
  97. porridge
  98. scythe
  99. kiwi
  100. cook
  101. rally

If you don’t like any of the words on this list, you can come up with your own.

This method is not only useful for memorizing numbers, it can also be a stunningly effective giant memory hook system.

The hook system remembers itself. Learn 10 positions a day. Let’s say you want to memorize positions from 10 to 15. Number 10 corresponds to the word “rudder”. Remember that 1 is P and 0 is L, then add vowels to get the word ” rudder .” Next, create a clear image of the steering wheel in your head. 12 are numbers 1 and 2, or P and D. Now add vowels to them and you get the word “radio”. Imagine a radio receiver in your mind. From the letters corresponding to the number 15, you can make the word “turnip”. Someone may also like the word “rap”. Personally, I prefer to use the word “fish” for the number 15. Remember that letters are important in a word, not sounds.

This method has many advantages. With its help, you will easily and naturally memorize 100 pieces of information. And having learned the meanings of all numbers, you can memorize any numbers. Your memory for numbers will be incredible! You can keep as many numbers in your head as you like! You just need to correlate the number with the visual image.

I use this method to memorize sports statistics, stock quotes, and other numerical information I need. Plus, it’s great for memorizing historical dates. I love to learn dates, because this way I can relate events to each other and line them up on a time line. This method allows me to memorize up to 100 dates in just a few minutes. Plus, this is another way to learn how to catch and retain your thoughts and always quickly recall the information you need.

This is how I teach dates.

Television was invented in 1926.

I remember only the last three digits of this date, because most of the dates we are interested in are from the last millennium. So, we take the number 926 and apply letter matches to it in order to turn it into the word “gudezh”. Next, we use mnemonic principles and create a visual image for this word in our head. For example, imagine a buzzing party that showcase TVs throw after a store closes.

In 1969, a man first landed on the moon.

Convert the number 969 into the word “cat” and imagine the astronaut releasing a cat in front of him. Imagine her jumping in lunar gravity.

In 1901, the Nobel Prize was awarded for the first time.

Let the first Nobel Prize be an image of a kennel (kennel – 901).

In 1971, the first laser printer was created.

Imagine a hussar pulling out a freshly printed copy from a laser printer (hussar – 971).

The first submarine was built in 1801.

Imagine a plywood submarine (plywood – 801).

In 1784 the first newspaper was published.

Imagine that the first newspaper was published by the head teacher (head teacher – 784).

The method described here was developed and described at the beginning of the 18th century by a man named Stanislav Mink von Wenschein. This method takes practice. You must seriously work on it before it starts working for you. But if you master it, the possibilities of your memory for numbers will become limitless, and your IQ will be even higher.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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