How to Manage Your Startup Password in Windows

Through the following guide we teach you step by step how to remove or remove the password from my Windows 7, 8 and 10 PC , a necessary process if you want to enter your personal computer faster.

Index(  )

  1. What is the difference between a Microsoft account and a local account?
  2. Importance of having a password enabled
  3. How to remove the startup password from my computer
    1. Windows 10
    2. Windows 7
    3. Windows 8
  4. What to do if I forgot the local password?

What is the difference between a Microsoft account and a local account?

Both Microsoft and local accounts are for individual use, so only one person should have access to them. However, in many cases these are shared by users, but this cannot be done in all cases.

The main difference between the two accounts is that the Microsoft account can be used on various platforms and services offered by this company. This includes various computers or computers. So having a Microsoft account we can use it on several computers at the same time.

In addition, a local account works as a single key, which can be used in only one service at a time. For this reason, if you want to share it, you will have to remove it from your current computer. For this reason it is something unfeasible.

Importance of having a password enabled

Passwords are undoubtedly one of the most basic protection methods out there. Not having a password can harm your security, especially if you live in a household with several people.

Therefore, before completely removing your Windows password, rethink whether it is convenient to do so or not. If you live alone, there is no problem if you want to remove the password, but if you live with other people, it may be necessary to take other measures such as encrypting folders and files in Windows 10, which will help so that they do not copy your information to other computers.

In turn, keep in mind that sometimes the Windows 10 license is linked to the Microsoft Outlook account, in which case it is best to keep the account information and its password for the future.

How to remove the startup password from my computer

Depending on the system you have, removing the password can be done one way or another.

Windows 10

In Windows 10 the process is simple, from the start menu, you will have to write login options . When you do this, a list and an icon with the same name will appear, by clicking on it you will have access to your account settings.

Being in this menu you only have to go to the section to change password. The trick is that you will have to type the current password to confirm your identity and then leave the spaces in the new password blank. Then just click save and you will no longer have a login password.

Windows 7

In case you want to remove the password from your PC, it will be necessary to do a few very basic settings. Said configurations can be carried out in the following way.

  • The first thing you should do is go to the PC configuration options. To do this, go to the Start Menu and look for ” Settings“. Once you find the option, click on it.
  • Once you are in the configuration options, look for the ” Accounts” section, click on this option.
  • On the left side of the screen you will see the configuration options for Microsoft Windows accounts. This time locate ” Login Options“.
  • The login options and different security sections will be displayed. Click on ” Password“.
  • You will see the option ” Change“, click there. The system will ask you to enter the current password that you have in your account, provide it and click on “Next”.
  • The system will ask to enter the data for a new password, simply do not enter anything and click on ” Next” and then click on the ” Finish ” option .
  • Once you have done the above process, you will have successfully removed the password from your Windows 10 account.


Windows 8

Windows also has the option of affiliating Microsoft accounts, in which case they will have the email password. Therefore, if you want to completely eliminate the use of passwords on the computer, it will be necessary to remove these accounts . This process can be done in the following way.

  • Go to the Windows start menu, there type ” Settings” and click on the result.
  • Once you have done the above, the configuration options will be displayed, simply click on ” Accounts“.
  • On this occasion, you must click on the option ” Your information” that is displayed on the left side of the screen.
  • Just look for the option ” Sign in with a local account instead.” The system will ask if you are sure to make the change, simply click on ” Next “.
  • It is very likely that the password of the email that is already affiliated will be asked, simply provide it and click on ” OK“. Even so, it is recommended that you first log into your Microsoft account from the browser, in order to verify that the information you have is correct.
  • The section to write the user information to be created will be displayed. Understanding that this time we do not want a password, simply put the username and click on ” Next“.
  • After the above, click on ” Close session and finish“, a process after which the session will be closed and the system will start up with the information provided before.

In turn, there is also the possibility of permanently deleting a Microsoft account , in the event that you no longer want to use it.

What to do if I forgot the local password?

If you enter your password and it tells you that it is incorrect after 3 attempts , it is best to change it to a new one. For this you will have to look for the button to reset it, this appears when there are several failed attempts.

Once you mark it, you will be asked to answer some secret questions that only you should know and that were assigned at the time of formatting the equipment . In this way the menu will verify that it is you and you will be able to write a new password.
When you have changed it, you will return to the initial menu and you will have to enter it to regain access.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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