How to log in to Instagram if I forgot my password?

Instagram is one of the top social networks in recent times . Many users trust their spaces to be able to publish and display their photos that they capture with their phones or cameras, as well as the publication of stories and other content. However, something that can happen to a large number of users is the fact of losing or forgetting their password, which usually means a great tragedy.

In this post, we will teach you various tricks with which you can recover your password and thereby regain your access to the social network Instagram.

If it has happened to you that you have forgotten your password, you don’t have much to worry about, since Instagram offers you the possibility of recovering the password of your account , by means of an email, to which you will be sent a code or a special link with which you can change the password for a new one.

Recovering the password from the Instagram website

If you want to change your Instagram password from the website , you just have to follow a couple of simple steps.

To begin you must enter the official page and go to the bottom, where you make the deposit, just below you will see the option “Have you forgotten your password? Once you find it, press it and it will redirect you to a special form which will give you different instructions, so that you can log in.

In this form the steps are simple, to begin with, you must enter different personal data which you yourself have entered at the time of registering your page , such as your email and username that owns your account.

After that, you must check the box that indicates that you are not a robot and after that, click on the “Change password” button. After these steps, what would be the following steps will be sent to your email so that you can access your account in a normal way.

Recovering the password from your Instagram mobile application

If you are inside the Instagram application , the process is quite similar to that described above, however, there you will have greater chances with which you can successfully recover your data and access your account with them.

From the application, you can see different methods which we explain below.

Through your email

Once you have opened the recovery tab for your account, it will only remain for you to choose the method with which you want to recover it. In this case, you will choose your email as the recovery method.

To do this, you must enter your username or, failing that, your email account , which must also be previously associated with the Instagram account you want to recover. After having entered it, all you have to do is press the arrow located on the top bar.

In this way an email will be sent with the following steps to recover your account and everything will be effective as soon as you do.


If the subject of email has become complicated for you, it is also possible to recover the account by means of an SMS , however and at this point we must be very cautious, since not just any number will be accepted by the Instagram system, only that that is linked, can be entered into the platform .

Once you have selected this option, it will only remain with the fact that you write the phone number that has been associated with the account and then press the accept button , so that after a couple of minutes you will see how it is sent to your mobile phone a series of options which will give you the remaining data to be able to enter your account successfully.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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