How To Link Instagram To Facebook

How To Link Instagram To Facebook. Promoting all our social networks in the bio of each one of them can be problematic, especially if they have a limit of links allowed. However, you can already find out How To Link Instagram To Facebook ,

The process is simple, although the amount of information that Facebook always presents in its app makes it all a bit more cumbersome. However, these are the steps to follow to add your Instagram information to your Facebook profile : first, you have to click on the icon with three stripes on the right side, to then select our username on Facebook and the ‘Edit profile’ option. Next, in the ‘Links’ section, tap on ‘Edit’.

We’re already halfway there, but we’ll still have to continue the process on Facebook . A section called ‘Social links’ will appear at the top, in which you have to click on the ‘Add social link’ button. At that moment, if you click on ‘Platform’, a list with the main social networks will be displayed, at which point you will have to select ‘Instagram’ to, finally, add your username on this social network and for that information to appear on the Facebook profile.

How To Link Instagram To Facebook

Adding information from other Instagram profiles may make some sense, since both social networks are owned by the same parent company, Meta. And if we talk about the competition? How to put your TikTok profile on Facebook is also a simple task following the same procedure, since this new list of platforms that has been enabled on the social network includes all the main competitors, including the social network specialized in short videos to which everyone seems to want to copy at all costs.

As expected, to add our TikTok user to Facebook , when clicking on the platform we will have to choose the name of this social network. Once we have done it, we can also add the username. In this way, you can attract traffic to your TikTok profile from Facebook by offering a direct link to your potential followers.

How to put your Twitter account on your Facebook profile

If there was room for TikTok, obviously there is also room for Facebook’s other great rival. It has already been explained above how to put your Twitter account on your Facebook profile , with the only difference that instead of Instagram or TikTok, we will have to select the name of Elon Musk’s social network.

Until now, many users had added their profiles on social networks as pure links on Facebook. With this new function you can add as many profiles as you consider necessary (platforms such as Pinterest, Tumblr or the almost forgotten are also included), appearing on our profile page with a much clearer structure, allowing us to differentiate between social networks and personal web pages .

Although it may seem surprising, in the middle of 2023 there are still innovations on Facebook that are called to facilitate the user experience . However, it would be appreciated if these improvements were accompanied by greater simplicity in its mobile application , which continues to be one of the most cumbersome to use, especially when entering its settings and configuration.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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