How to Launch and Destroy a Rocket in Battlefield 2042

The most interesting part of the Cosmodrome map in Battlefield 2042  is the rocket launch site. During the beta and since the release, many players have already watched how the device takes off and explodes in space, then explodes, destroying everyone who managed to be near.

What do you need to do to launch a rocket and how to detonate it? The game does not provide any instructions on this matter. Therefore, we take this mission upon ourselves.

How to Launch a Rocket in Battlefield 2042

When it comes to launch, you really just have to wait. Nothing depends on the players here, because the script that gives the command to start is launched depending on the duration of the match.

On average, this happens about 20 minutes into the match at the moment when each of the teams has 500 tickets left. It is very simple to understand that the process has started – the fasteners located on the sides of the rocket begin to diverge (see the screenshot below).

How to Destroy a Rocket in Battlefield 2042

As soon as the launching process has begun, the rocket from a static element of the environment turns into a destructible object. At the same time, it can only be blown up with the help of tanks and guns installed on other vehicles. You cannot damage the rocket by firing at it with conventional weapons.

In order to detonate the aircraft, you have 6 minutes – this is how long the launch process takes. If no one deals enough damage to the vehicle, it will safely take off. But if successful, you will wipe everyone in general who was near her, which can be extremely useful. And very spectacular.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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