How to know where a web page server is located or hosted

Life on the internet is not just the common search through a platform. There are millions of things that we ignore, there are hundreds and even thousands of processes, commands and elements behind a search . The pages themselves host their servers through technographic processes that help to ensure that their platform does not crash.

Knowing how to locate these servers can be difficult at first, but it’s not a big deal, we’ll show you how. The privacy of our activities on the web is a right that not everyone is willing to give up, for security reasons.

Knowing where servers are hosted will give us a basis for how secure a website is . But in addition to this, protect the computer against possible failures in security and privacy .

What is a server and a web server?

When referring to a Web server , we must bear in mind that the terms can be confused. There are servers, and Web servers, in our case the servers are computers, whose destination is the storage of a wide range of programs , they are later used by other computers.

Now, HTTP protocols , or Web servers, are the software that uses the Hipertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP, whose task is to store information encompassed by Web sites, ranging from multimedia elements, texts and the like. In addition to this, it provides all that information constantly and securely to users on the Web and through the browser in which it requested the information.

Locate the server from the command console

We are going to locate the server of a web page through the command console. For this purpose, we will use two commands, which will be essential to proceed . The commands to use will be the tracert command and the nslookup command.

It is a simple process, you do not need to be an expert in the field and even less a computer teacher. From the search bar we copy the words CMD, the command console will open . We will first use the Tracert command, which is a diagnostic element that allows us to follow or investigate packets coming from a network point.

We can also obtain with the Tracert command, a latency statistic of the network of the packets of origin, which would be clear is an approximate distance of the communicating ends of them. We proceed to write the name of the command and followed by them the web address of the page that we want to investigate, it is important that we write it completely, without omitting the “www” or the other elements.

Already written, we will enter, we wait and the IP address will be displayed , followed by that it will show us on the screen the different jumps that the process gives to obtain the information we want, packets will arrive and continue with the jumps will give the DI-USER with the addition “.Com” which means that to obtain the information from the web page, you had to connect to it.

For the nslookup command, it would be the same, except that the route would not be shown, that is, the jumps would not be shown when viewing the packages. This is a command used to find out if DNS is positively resolving IP addresses and names. Therefore, it is used to know the IP address, through the name of the web page. We will repeat the process, the same as with the previous command.

How to locate the accommodation location?

To do this we must make a geolocation, through the internet itself, which, supported by the visualization of Google Maps, we will dynamically see the process, and even through satellite vision to track the origin.

We will take the IP address that the command threw, we will take the most popular geolocation tracking page , which shows us where the information passes before reaching the hands of users or viewers. It will go through different servers until it reaches the origin server or mother issuer.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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