How to know if the cell phone is being tapped

Are you perhaps looking for the code to see if the phone is being tapped on Android ? Here is a tutorial that will help you figure out if your phone is being tapped.

The daily use of the smartphone, in addition to being very useful for work, information and entertainment, also exposes you to various critical issues. No matter how up to date an operating system is, it will always show weaknesses that expose it to malware or bad conditions.

Knowing that your phone is being tapped is one of the worst sensations you can experience . Not everyone knows that it is possible to check a phone quite easily, and that unfortunately in recent years quite a few people are reporting cases in which conditions of this kind arise. But how to understand if you have a phone under control?

Fortunately, there are unique codes to type on your smartphone to verify some critical issues, including device control. In the next few lines we will see what the codes are for Android operating systems and how to find out if you are really under control or if it is a technical error.


  • How to know if the cell phone is being tapped
    • *#21#
    • *#62#
    • ##002#
    • *#06#
    • *#*#4636#*#*
    • More codes to try
  • More ways to find out if your phone is being tapped on Android
    • Check the list of Apps with administrator privileges
    • Check energy consumption
    • Check your credit
    • Check for spy apps
    • Other checks to do
  • How to protect yourself from spies and hackers
    • Use an antivirus or malware
    • Reset your smartphone

How to know if the cell phone is being tapped

To know exactly if there are strange processes on your Android device, just type a few codes on your smartphone’s keyboard , in a few seconds you’ll be able to check the status of the device. Let’s see which ones are the most common.


The code that you absolutely must enter to find out if SMS and call forwarding is active is *#21# . The information that will appear on the screen will show you whether detours are active or not . If they are, you will also notice the information of the number that made the initial request.

If your girlfriend or boyfriend has call forwarding activated, you will find out in seconds. In addition to the aspects related to couple relationships, this technique is usually used by criminals to defraud the elderly.


Equally interesting code to understand if you have the phone under control is *#62# . Also in this case you will be able to check if there are call diversions and understand if there is someone who is spying on your smartphone. The code will allow you to find out the number and to provide for the consequent report by the Police in case you need to.


One code you need to use, whether or not your smartphone is monitored, is ##002# . This sequence, rather than helping you understand if there are people or malicious people who want to monitor you, allows you to deactivate call forwarding . In a few moments you will have complete control of your smartphone, eliminating any doubt that someone can control you.

If you don’t feel like having someone check you with the above codes, you can also just use this one.


A code that can help you in case you lose your mobile phone is *#06# . This sequence allows you to trace the IMEI of your smartphone. As you know, every telephone or electronic communication device has a unique code that allows you to find it in case of loss. In the event that your mobile phone is stolen, you could block your smartphone or your SIM and recover not only the telephone number, but making the smartphone unusable to the bad guys. Knowing the IMEI code guarantees you these advantages and faster finding by the competent bodies.


The codes listed above can also be used for your device with the iOS operating system, while the code *#*#4636#*#* is only available for compatible phones equipped with Android.

With this sequence of numbers and characters you will be able to understand if someone is literally using your smartphone. Specifically, it allows you to access the dedicated area for usage statistics . This area will record every action you perform on your smartphone, whether performed by you or from external sources. If you notice suspicious activity when you’re not using your phone, then there’s no question of remote monitoring.

More codes to try

Android devices, given their versatility, allow you to enter a large number of codes to discover different activities inside. Some must-try options include: *#*#1575#*#* for GPS testing or *#12580*369# for hardware and software information.

These codes are always valid for Android operating systems, but as you can imagine, each manufacturer has custom sequences. Check what are the codes of your smartphone Samsung , Sony , Xiaomi or any other brand.

More ways to find out if your phone is being tapped on Android

In addition to the codes that we have just examined, which allow you to access certain information very quickly, there are several ways that you can apply to understand if your Android mobile phone is under surveillance .

Check the list of Apps with administrator privileges

One of the first steps you can take, to understand if there are control conditions, is to analyze the list of applications that have Administrator mode active . If there are applications that access this mode you will be much more exposed to controls, therefore, take a look in the App Settings with active administrator privileges.

Check energy consumption

If your Android smartphone has excessive battery consumption, it would be reasonable to think that there may be a remote control that affects autonomy. To check device information you can use the code *#12580*369# or *#*#4986*2650468#*#* .

Check your credit

If your Android device is under control, it will most likely also show variations in the remaining credit . Check that there are no credits or payments not foreseen by you, if there are, report these dynamics to your telephone provider within 7 days . One week is the maximum time for refunds.

Check for spy apps

If someone took your phone they might have installed spy apps . Be very careful because the best ones make the icon invisible too. Search through all installed applications within Settings .

Other checks to do

In addition to these indications, you can also apply other techniques to understand if there are problems on your mobile phone. However, they can be limited to three main conditions: operation, slowdowns and temperature.

Operation : in the event that your smartphone behaves abnormally , especially during calls and sending text messages, you should wonder if someone is trying to control your Android operating system.

Slowdowns : Malfunctions aren’t the only hints of control though, you may also experience general slowdowns while browsing the web. If your mobile device is new or still has top-notch hardware, then there might be some issues that are related to the outside. Using the codes you will be able to eliminate most of the doubts.

Temperature : a smartphone, excluding cases of intense use with video games, hardly have temperatures that are too high. If you notice particularly significant heat in the processor or memory area, then you should check that no one is watching your device.

How to protect yourself from spies and hackers

Codes and verifications can help you understand whether or not someone is monitoring you while using the phone, but how can you actually protect yourself from hacker attacks and spies?

Use an antivirus or malware

One of the most effective ways to control smartphones is to install an antivirus or antimalware on your device . Often one is led to think that these software are only available for Windows, in reality they are also very useful for all operating systems, be they Android or another type. However, you will have to activate the software in the background every time you use your smartphone, also slightly affecting the general autonomy.

Reset your smartphone

More drastic solution, but which eliminates all doubts, is the reset of the smartphone . In this case you should follow a specific guide for your mobile phone model, in order to speed up the reset operation. We do not recommend making a full backup , as it may restore already existing problems, save your images and files in a single folder. Finally, backup WhatsApp and Telegram individually.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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