How to keep your house clean if you live with a dog

For this reason, at mundoAnimalia we want to give you a series of tips so that you can enjoy your clean house for longer.

Clean every day

If we manage to clean every day we will prevent dirt from accumulating. It is not about rolling up our sleeves day in and day out, but about performing basic tasks that will reduce dirt. For example, vacuum daily those rooms or surfaces that are exposed to your dog’s hair (upholstery, bed …). You can also pass the mop through the area dedicated to food and thus you will ensure that debris does not accumulate that we can step on and that can dirty other areas of the house.

Clean their paws every time you go for a walk

When we get home, we take off our shoes, so that the dirt we have brought does not spread to all corners. Dogs can’t do that, but that doesn’t mean we can’t clean their paws every time we go for a walk. We can pass him a wipe, one of those baby ones, to remove the remains of dirt that may have adhered to the animal.

Goodbye to smells

This is a problem for many houses with dogs, because, no matter how clean we have it, it always smells like animals. To reduce the smell we can follow a series of guidelines: clean your dog’s bed and objects frequently, that is, once every one or two weeks. Run the mop through rooms where the dog moves . Nothing to use products that can be irritating or corrosive. With a household cleaner we can clean the floor and reduce the smell of canid.

It is also advisable to bathe the animal on a regular basis . Thus, their fur will be clean and will not give off odors. Of course, it ventilates every day. This routine must be mandatory, whether or not we have animals at home, as it airs the rooms and eliminates odors.

Teach him to relieve himself outside

It is very important that we teach them to relieve themselves outside the home . If we do not take the time to educate them, it will be common for them to pee in a corner, with the consequent problem of dirt and odor. If we want to preserve the cleanliness of our home we have to try to educate our pet to be clean.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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