How to keep avocado to last longer

The consumption of avocado has become popular in Spain,  not only due to its rich flavor and that it can be consumed with a wide variety of dishes, but also thanks to its incredible properties for health, but also for hair and skin. This exquisite fruit is the star ingredient in world-renowned recipes such as guacamole .

However, avocado is a food that has an accelerated decomposition process once ripe, especially when it has already been cut and its pulp has been exposed. For this reason, in the following article, we explain how to preserve avocado correctly. Discover, below, the most effective ways to preserve this delicious fruit to be able to enjoy its benefits for a long time .

When you want to preserve an avocado, you must take into account if the fruit is complete, if it is cut, peeled, chopped and if it still has its seed or not. In addition, you must also take into consideration the maturity state of the same; this way you will know which method is most effective to preserve the avocado.

How to preserve an avocado that is already ripe

The first thing you should do is find a plastic bag and then put the whole avocado inside . Make sure to get all the air out of the bag and seal it well when finished. Later, you will have to cool the avocado to slow down its ripening process. Keep in mind that the ideal is to place it in the lowest part of the refrigerator; If you try to keep a ripe avocado at room temperature, it will spoil faster.

This method will help the fruit to decompose slowly, but don’t let it sit there for more than four days . It is advisable to check it daily to know what state it is in. If you notice that it is getting very soft, it is best to eat it that same day.

How to preserve avocado once opened

Take each part of the cut avocado after removing the pit or seed and, with a brush or brush, apply a layer of lemon juice over the pulp . This will help prevent the avocado’s oxidation process. Next, take the cut parts of the avocado and wrap them with the plastic food wrap roll (plastic wrap).

To further increase the shelf life, leave the avocado in the fridge. If you leave it out of the fridge, the fruit will spoil even faster. Finally, we recommend that you check each part of the avocado daily, without removing the plastic, to ensure that the fruit is still in good condition.

How to freeze an avocado

Freezing an avocado, especially if it is ripe, is one of the most effective ways to preserve it for a long time. Here is a step-by-step on how to do it correctly:

  1. The first thing to do is cut the fruit in half. Next, remove the pit from the avocado.
  2. Next, peel the avocado and use a spoonto remove all the pulp from inside.
  3. Pour the pulp into a blender and blend it until it is completely pureed. While you carry out the process, add a tablespoon of lemon juiceto reduce the oxidation of the fruit; blending the avocado is essential so that it does not lose its flavor and texture after freezing.
  4. The next step will be to place the avocado puree in a container with a tight lid. Proceed to seal the container well.
  5. As a final step, you will have to take the container with the pureed avocado to the freezer. This method is perfect if you want the fruit to be kept in perfect condition for four or five monthswithout losing its properties.

How to preserve guacamole

The main reason why guacamole must be preserved correctly is because of the diversity of ingredients; otherwise, the decomposition of the fruit would be very accelerated, since each ingredient has different oxidation processes. These are the ingredients used for the preparation of guacamole :

  • 1 avocado
  • Half lemon
  • One onion
  • 2 chili peppers or peppers
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Coriander to taste
  • Salt
  • 1 tomato

If you wonder how to preserve guacamole , you should follow the steps that we propose below:

  1. Once you have the guacamole prepared, you must find a container and pour it there. Make sure the container is airtight.
  2. If the container does not have a lid, you can always seal it with cling film. You need to press the plastic against the guacamoleto minimize the amount of oxygen inside the container.
  3. As a final step, take it to the freezer and … that’s it!

If you see that the guacamole or avocados begin to darken, it is best not to eat them, as they may be oxidizing.

The benefits of avocado that you should know

If you do not consume it because you consider that it provides too many calories to your body, perhaps these reasons will make you change your mind. Avocado fat is good, it also has multiple benefits that we list below.

  1. It is a great source of energy and nutrients: it contains vitamins K, C, B5, B6 and E, potassium and folic acid.
  2. It has more potassium than bananas: potassium helps you lower your blood pressure .
  3. It is good for the heart: it is low in LDL cholesterol (the bad one)and triglycerides and helps to increase the levels of HDL cholesterol (the good one).
  4. It is rich in fiber that will help you not only lose weight but also reduce blood sugarand the risk of many diseases.
  5. One study showed that people who regularly ate avocados were in better healththan those who did not.
  6. This fruit facilitates the absorption of other nutrients from plants . If you add avocado to your salad, you will make it easier for your body to absorb the antioxidants from other vegetables that you put in it.
  7. It’s good for your eyes because it’s rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two important compounds for eye health.
  8. Avocado extract can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the prostate.
  9. Avocado extract can reduce the symptoms of arthritis in the bones.
  10. Contrary to what you might think at first, its high fiber content and low proportion of carbohydrates make it an excellent food for weight loss. In addition, it is very satiating, so it will take time to feel hungry after taking it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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