How to insert bookmarks

Word is without a doubt the most famous word processor in the world, as is the download and installation of the Microsoft Office suite on the computers of billions of people.

His amazing document writing tools have helped him build a full-fledged reputation. On this occasion, you will be able to learn a little more about the options offered by this simple but impressive program.

How to Insert Bookmarks and Cross References in Microsoft Word

Bookmarks and cross references

When there are documents with a medium or extremely extensive wording, it is always good to have a tool that allows us to move quickly and easily to a part of the document.

Markers, on the one hand, help to identify the position or selection of text to which a name is assigned to be identified in future references. So, by making a list of bookmarks, you can access specific points of the text effectively.

Cross references , on the other hand, help to point out elements that are in the document , this can be: a title, chapter, image or graphic. When the mouse pointer is located over the element, it will show you a box with the command that will help you navigate to the section where the element is located.

How to insert bookmarks

To start using bookmarks within a Word element , you will have to follow a series of steps that turn out to be quite simple to learn how to use this tool.

  1. Select the phrase or word you want to use for the bookmark.
  2. Go to the ” Insert ” tab at the top of your screen.
  3. Click on the bookmark option, located just below the hyperlink option.
  4. Give the bookmark a name (no blanks, symbols, and must start with a letter).
  5. Click add.

Locate markers

Once you have prepared your list of bookmarks, you can position yourself anywhere in the document and locate the words that you have selected to make up said list. So you should:

  1. Go back to the insert tab.
  2. Click on the bookmark option .
  3. When the dialog box opens, you can select the bookmark you want to search for.
  4. Press the button « Go to «.
  5. In this way, Word will move you to the part of the document where the marker appears.

Marker removal

If, on the other hand, you want to reduce the list of bookmarks that you have previously made , you just have to repeat the steps, select the bookmark and click on the delete button.

Cross references

The first thing that you should take into consideration when inserting the cross references, is to determine to what point you want to make the reference .

  • If you want to insert a cross reference to a title, you have to make sure that it has the title format that you can see in the home tab of Word.
  • To insert cross references to a specific position, you have to create a placeholder .

Insert references

When you’ve decided what you want to cross-reference to, you’ll need to follow a series of equally simple instructions.

  1. Go to the insert tab .
  2. Below the marker option, you will be able to view the cross reference tool.
  3. A window will open in which you will define to which element of the sheet you will insert this reference.
  4. In the « Type « section , you will have a drop-down menu that will help you choose that element.

References items

You can cross-reference a title or bookmark , for example. If you select to cross-reference a bookmark, in the Reference to section you can specify which element of the bookmark you want to reference. The most used options at this point are:

  • Bookmark text.
  • Page number.
  • Paragraph number.

In this way, when you press Ctrl and click on the reference, Word will automatically direct you to the content of the inserted reference.

You can also learn more about the many tools and functions that Word has. From extracting texts from an image and converting it to a Word document to changing the default font type of a document .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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