How to hide apps on iPhone

Since you often make your child use the iPhone to watch videos on YouTube or browse the Internet, you would like them not to use certain applications. We at ChimeraRevo have created a guide in which we will explain how to hide apps on the iPhone without too much difficulty.

How to hide apps on iPhone via Restrictions

The simplest and fastest solution to be able to hide software is to take advantage of a feature present in the iOS settings called Restrictions . In fact, it allows you to lock specific apps and settings that can only be unlocked by entering a specific PIN code .

That said, if you have an iPhone or iPad running iOS 12 or later, the setting in question is called Screen Time . Let’s find out how to use it together:

  • Grab your iDevice, access the iOS Settings by pressing on the gear and then press on Usage Time .
  • In the next step, proceed with the activation of the feature by clicking on Use code “Usage time” and enter the preferred lock code twice consecutively.
  • Now, tap on the App Restrictions option , choose Add usage limitation and enter the PIN you set a little while ago.
  • At this point, through the Choose app screen , select the categories of applications you want to block (eg Social network to block Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and so on) or directly the app under the category and press Next to go to next screen.
  • Through the All apps and categories screen , set an application usage limit through the proposed timer (minimum 1 minute and maximum 23 hours and 59 minutes) and customize the days on which to apply the block through the Customize days option .
  • Complete the operation by pressing Add at the top right.

Now, if you try to open the blocked app, after the set time has elapsed, the Time limit screen – You have reached the allowed usage time on “application name” will appear . Furthermore, you have two possibilities: press OK to close the software or press Request more time to extend the usage time by entering the PIN set by pressing Enter code for “Usage time” . Using the proposed screen, choose Approve for 15 minutes , Approve for 1 hour or Approve all day .

If you change your mind, you can remove the restriction applied to the specific app or by going back to the category menu of time of use , pressing on Limitations app , and tapping on the software name or category.

After entering the PIN code, you can deactivate the limitation by pressing the switch next to App limitation or completely delete the restriction by pressing on Delete limitation and confirming by pressing on Delete . Alternatively, you can only unlock certain applications by using the Always Allowed option in the Screen Time menu . Simply press on the green + in front of the software name to be approved via the Choose app list .

To block access to system applications, however, you have to do this:

  • Always Stop in the menu usage time within the settings of iOS and this time choose Restrictions content and privacy .
  • Once this is done, turn ON the switch next to Content and privacy restrictions (if the option is disabled) and then press the App allowed .
  • Through the proposed screen, you can block access to the system software (eg Camera , iTunes Store, etc.) by simply turning the dedicated lever to OFF .

In case you would like to block access to the App Store , go back to the Content and Privacy Restrictions menu and this time choose Purchases on iTunes and App Store . Once this is done, set the Do not allow option in App installation.

If you have an iPhone or iPad with iOS 11 or earlier versions, then you can take advantage of the Restrictions function always present in the Settings . This feature allows you not to run system and third-party apps that are not suitable for specific age groups. Only system apps such as Camera , Podcast , Safari , Mail , Apple Music and so on can be individually controlled .

Having said that, let’s find out together how to proceed:

  • Open the Settings as indicated above, tap on General and then choose Restrictions via the screen displayed.
  • Once this is done, press on Enable restrictions , set a 4-digit PIN code and choose the applications to hide using the dedicated switch.
  • As for third-party applications, it is possible to apply a total block by selecting the app in the Restrictions menu . Once this is done, choose the desired age limit from 4+ , 9+ , 12+ or 17+ . Alternatively, you can block all software set to the Do not allow apps option .

Also through the Restrictions screen , it is possible to activate other blocks such as the installation of new applications, in-app purchases and so on. In case of second thoughts, you can disable the restrictions by pressing the Disable restrictions button after entering the PIN.

How to hide apps on iPhone via apps

An alternative to the time of use / Restrictions , you can hide applications on iPhone and iPad using some apps. It should be noted, however, that this method is aimed only at those who have a jailbroken iDevice . The software that we recommend you to use for this purpose are Springtomize and HideMeX