How to get rough leather in World of Warcraft?

If you are a fan of online role-playing games, you should know World of Warcraft, this game is the most popular of this genre, along with others such as Dota and LOL or League of Legends . However, WoW offers a great advantage and variety in terms of pets that the player can own.

In this way, the variety of pets that exist in the game is also related to its purpose. Since this can help your character in combat or simply accompany him during a mission.

For this reason, we will show you a fairly simple WoW pets and companions guide, so that you learn how to get or capture a pet in World of Warcraft

How to get a pet in World of Warcraft?

Pets are one of the best allies to face your enemies in World of Warcraft , you can find diversity of these allies. Although in the world of World of Warcraft you will not need to feed your pet.

However, you should know that there are three types of pets : battle, companion, and class pets. The latter are usually achieved by leveling up, and are unlocked when the character levels up in the game.

On the other hand, to get battle or companion pets , you can capture them by defeating some enemies or you can buy them in the auction market of your faction.

Also, you should consider that all pets can act as companion pets for your character, however single companion pets cannot act as combat pets.

In this way, once you get your pets, you can access them through the “Mounts” option that is shown in the toolbar within the game. Once there, you must select the option “Pet Diary” to view the ones you have .

How to buy a pet in World of Warcraft?

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular online multiplayer role-playing games, so much so that even some celebrities play in WoW , and without a doubt they have pets that accompany and fight alongside their characters .

In this way, if you want to get a pet in World of Warcraft , buying it is the simplest and most accessible way to get pets within WoW, since in the auction market you can find a great variety of these, whether they are company or of combat.

So the best option to buy a pet is to go to Orgrimmar, in case you belong to the Horde. On the other hand, if you belong to the Alliance, you can head towards Stormwind. Once there, you just have to go to the Auction House and filter the search by pets.

Keep in mind that their value in the auction house will depend on how rare the pet in question is , as some cost a few gold coins while others cost thousands.

How to capture a pet in World of Warcraft?

This is one of the most entertaining ways to find pets in the game, because to capture pets in World of Warcraft you must face certain creatures that will give you the pets as a reward for defeating them.

In this way, you must bear in mind that your character must have a high level to fight , so that you do not die in the process of capturing a pet.

One of the best options for capturing combat and companion pets is in Nazjatar. Well, this Battle for Azeroth map has more than 8 different pets , but keep in mind that to capture them you must face different enemies in combat. Once they are defeated they will deliver the pet as loot.

In the mini map of the game, the wild pets that you can get will be shown with the icon of a green animal footprint, if you place the cursor on it you will be able to know its name. Once you have achieved it, you must cage the pet .

On the other hand, you should consider the fact that pets are not always dropped as loot after the character has been defeated. But you should not worry, because in a few hours the enemy will be available again and you can try again.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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