How to get rid of tiredness, laziness, apathy and drowsiness

All tools are in your hands or close by. To overcome fatigue in 90% of cases, it is enough just to sleep. To get rid of laziness – find motivation, from sleepiness – go in for sports. The methods are simple to the point of genius. But often they still don’t help. Mainly because we misdiagnose ourselves or take the wrong “drugs.” A person who hates running with all his heart forces himself to go for a run.

A guy inclined to self-flagellation and solitude sets the task of becoming the soul of the company, and a tired and driven girl decides to start training in the gym 5 times a week. Do not do this. How to get rid of fatigue – sleepiness – apathy – laziness correctly? Find real causes and eliminate them by listening to yourself and your body. How exactly to do this – we will find out further.


1 Laziness, fatigue, drowsiness and apathy – what are the reasons

2 Eliminate clinical factors

3 How to get rid of laziness and fatigue

4 How to overcome sleepiness

5 How to deal with apathy

6 How to quickly cheer up and find motivation

7 TOP-3 effective exercises to combat laziness

7.1 Conclusion

Laziness, fatigue, drowsiness and apathy – what are the reasons

To understand how to get rid of tiredness and drowsiness, from laziness and apathy, you need to find out the reasons for their appearance. In each case, they will be individual and you need to find them, guided by a general description. Let’s start by defining and creating a picture of the circumstances in which these feelings and sensations arise.

Laziness is the absence or constant lack of hard work, in which a person prefers free time to work activity.

Traditionally, laziness is considered a vice; in Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, lazy people were, for example, on the 5th circle of hell. But in conditions of constant intense work, laziness can be just a signal to the need for rest. It can also be a reaction to the lack of a proper assessment of the work and personality of a person in society.

Psychologists do not identify laziness as a mental disorder, since in its qualities it is more reminiscent of a bad habit. Among the reasons for the emergence of laziness, experts note character traits, lack of self-discipline, low self-esteem, loss of interest in a particular type of activity.

Fatigue is a feeling of physical and emotional fatigue, weakening of the body and loss of working capacity as a result of overwork.

Fatigue is a natural reaction of the body and psyche to intense physical or mental activity. The body works not only during paid labor, but also at any time of wakefulness and even sleep. Needless to say, when we “rest” in the club, our liver works at 100%.

In order to get tired, it is not necessary to unload the wagons. Fatigue can overtake you even in a situation where you sit back for a long time or do something pleasant, such as watching movies or sunbathing. It all depends on the state of the body, nervous activity, immune system and a number of other factors.

Sleepiness is a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, coupled with a regular desire to fall asleep at an inappropriate time.

Most often, sleepiness is a “payback” for a wrong lifestyle. Constant stress, unhealthy diet, deliberate reduction in sleep time are the causes of drowsiness.

Along with insomnia, it is considered by medicine as a sleep disorder. Among the reasons, there are also clinical diseases (for example, Kleine-Lewin syndrome or narcolepsy), taking a number of medications with side effects, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Among the psychological reasons are troubles and boredom, from which a person wants to run away and hide in a dream.

Apathy is a state of complete indifference and indifference to everything that happens. This is a feeling of detachment, lack of any incentives and motivations, unwillingness to do anything.

Apathy more often than other conditions described by us is a symptom of serious mental disorders, in particular neuroses, depression and even schizophrenia. If a person for a long period of time just lies and looks at the ceiling, thoughtlessly clicks the remote control and does not show any interest in life, this is a reason to consult a doctor. If the condition is short-term, then in this case, apathy can be a reaction to stress, excessive physical and emotional stress, to the depletion of the body (a vivid example is the state during diets).

We exclude clinical factors

First, it is necessary to exclude clinical factors. This can only be done after a medical examination. We recommend that you go through it even if the symptoms look subtle, since the diseases are too serious. The same depression is most effectively treated with medication, but the selection of drugs and the course of treatment take a long time. And the sooner the disease is detected, the better.

Reasons to see a doctor:

  • Constant fatigue with regular long rest and recovery.
  • Lack of desire to do anything and get up in the morning.
  • Suicidal thoughts, unwillingness to live, awareness of the meaninglessness of life.
  • Lack of natural, instinctive desires.
  • Sleep disturbances – insomnia, constant sleepiness.

Unfortunately, on the territory of the post-Soviet space, the same depression is not accustomed to being perceived as a disease. Bad mood and sad states are often considered vices, laziness. Whereas they can serve as symptoms of a real disease. Depression in most cases is a consequence of impaired metabolism of neurotransmitters and a person cannot restore metabolism on their own. The result is prolonged apathy and even suicide. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude diseases and only then proceed to attempts to fight independently.

How to get rid of laziness and fatigue

The best way to combat laziness is to find motivations and activities that you truly love. You should strive to do what you want to do and not do what you don’t want to do. Within the framework of the criminal code and within the limits of reason, of course.

Are you too lazy to do work or study? Maybe you just don’t like it and intuitively want to do what you love?

Find a job you like, go to university for a specialty that is really interesting to you. Find Motivation – Be clear about the benefits you will get by doing something.

Now it is important to understand how to get rid of fatigue. Relax. The recipe is really simple – you need to rest in order not to feel tired. Alternate work with physically and emotionally relaxing activities. Sleep as much as you need to get enough sleep. Normalize your daily routine. Increase the resources of your body – strengthen the immune system with hardening and vitamins, exercise, eat right, use spa programs. Go for restorative therapy, after all.

But all of this will prove to be useless if you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. This is a disease that is associated with the onset of neurosis and disruption of the regulators of the nervous system. It is usually the result of an intense, depleting emotional-intellectual load or viral diseases. How to get rid of chronic fatigue? Only through treatment under the supervision of a specialist. When it comes to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, it is impossible to do something on your own, but when trying, it is dangerous.

How to deal with sleepiness

It is important to understand the reason why you are constantly feeling tired and sleepy. If this is a sleep disorder, you should see a doctor. If the reaction is one-time and yesterday you felt vigorous and full of energy, you should try to overcome drowsiness on your own. How to do it:

  1. Maximum sunshine – open the curtains, take a walk, sunbathe. At night and in cloudy weather – ensure the maximum brightness of the lamps in the room.
  2. Normalize your daily routine – it should match your biological clock.
  3. Get enough sleep – get enough sleep to fully recover.

It is no secret that more people feel sleepiness in autumn than in late spring and summer. This is due to a lack of sunlight. Therefore, walks in the cold season are required. Also strive to strengthen the immune system – take vitamins and modulating drugs in consultation with your doctor (amateur performance is dangerous here).

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How to deal with apathy

Let us recall that apathy is more often than the other feelings and conditions indicated by us, a symptom of severe mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system. Therefore, any attempts to overcome it should be carried out only after a medical examination – we strongly recommend that you pass it. If apathy in your case is a short-term phenomenon, and not permanent, then you should try to find the cause of indifference and eliminate it.

If apathy has become a reaction to serious stress, you need time during which stress will not recur.

That is, in situations where indifference was the result of a serious shock (death of a loved one, dismissal, failure, and so on), you need to distract yourself and do something at least somewhat interesting and enjoyable. At least not annoying. In this case, you will be able to feel the taste of life again after a while – usually a few weeks is enough.

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How to quickly cheer up and find motivation

To find motivation:

  • Be mercantile – find real benefits in what you do, experience them.
  • Do what you really enjoy – quit your unloved job.
  • Surround yourself with motivated, self-motivated people.
  • Present the situation from the outside, analyze it.
  • Read stories about people who have been successful in your industry.

For cheerfulness:

  • Recharge every day, in any condition and in any weather.
  • Drink vitamins and take drugs that restore immunity, but only strictly in consultation with your doctor.
  • Prefer natural juices (preferably orange or grapefruit) coffee and tea.
  • Listen to invigorating, but not annoying music.
  • Walk more often – give your body “access” to oxygen.

TOP 3 effective exercises to combat laziness

If you do not know how to get rid of tiredness and drowsiness, from laziness and temporary apathy, try these exercises. They certainly will not cause harm, but they may well help.

Exercise 1. In this case, the wedge is knocked out with a wedge. You need to sit on the sofa alone and do nothing. Nothing at all – not turning on the TV, not listening to music, not reading a book, not picking up the phone. Just sit for at least 20 minutes. Try not to think about anything. Most likely, after the allotted time, you will find a strong desire to do what you did not want at all before.

Exercise 2. In this case, you need to try to find motivation. The place of execution is again a sofa. We sit down, close our eyes and mentally transfer ourselves to the future. It is necessary to imagine all the circumstances that will come after the completion of your task. You will be paid money, you will get an excellent mark for the exam, you will be thanked. Imagine the task completed and try to feel your state at the same time.

Exercise 3. Especially effective for gamblers. You need to make a bet with someone from your relatives or friends. At the same time, it is important to draw the other person into the argument – you should receive a reward for doing something. The easiest way to do this is to place a bet with the initiator of the action. That is, a person asks you to do something that you are frankly lazy to do. Make a bet with him – then there will be much more motivation.


To understand how to get rid of constant fatigue, laziness, drowsiness and apathy, it is necessary to find the causes of these conditions. It’s hard to deal with something unfamiliar. Therefore, first it is necessary to exclude clinical factors (diseases, neuroses, disorders) and only then proceed to introspection. In most cases, it is enough to get enough sleep, normalize the daily routine, eat right and do what you are really interested in. But it is important to approach each case individually – find the root of the problem and fix it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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