How To Get Oil In ARK

Ark Survival Evolved , It is an amazing adventure game, created by Studios Wildcard , which focuses mainly on dinosaurs ; In it, you can choose the gender you prefer, whether it is male or female, you can also live endless experiences; Some of them are: The creation of shelters, making bonfires, designing, cooking, riding, killing and instructing dinosaurs.

It is important to mention that this game takes place on a very mysterious island , above all its main objective, will be based on doing everything in your power to survive. This game promises you will have great fun and learning, it is perfect for dinosaur lovers and people looking for entertainment.

Where can we find oil or oil?

Oil is a super important mineral for the game, since with it, many objects can be made, which will allow you to achieve your improvement, some of them are grenades, resistant boxes, gasoline, grills, soap and really many objects that help in the development of the game.

But, for the same reason mentioned, oil becomes difficult to find; the main place where you find it is in the stones , these are scattered throughout the maps and places , you should also keep in mind that locating one will become increasingly complicated.

The places where these rocks most often appear are: Beaches, snow, at the bottom of the sea , normal or snow-capped mountains, caves, icebergs and rocks. But essentially the places where you will have many more possibilities will be in: Underwater caves, biomes or mountains of snow and on the beaches.

How can we collect it?

To collect them, it is necessary to extract them; the main tools we will use is the stone pick or the metal pick . The stone one will allow us to obtain approximately 0 to 1 units of oil , while the metal one will give us between 0 and 10 units for each of the rocks we hit.

Where these rocks can be found most, there are more effective ways to extract the oil . The first way will be in the ocean, here you can train and use a Megalodon (creature offered by the game, from the group of fish), the second way would be for underwater caves and like the previous one, the use of underwater dinosaurs is also recommended.

If you want to go into the water to extract oil, you can do it yourself, since the game offers different ways to hold your breath  for a long time , such as lazarus soup (it helps the bodies and generates the use of less oxygen).

The third way, is done in the snow biomes, to achieve this you must use a team of two players and two dinosaurs such as a Quetzal and an Ankylosaurus, which will sting it from the heights.

To identify the oil in the oceans, it is not enough to look attentively, because it shoots out from the ocean , and it can be seen on the surface and in the rocks, it is really easy, since it is a fragment of different sizes, its color generally it is gray or black, on the other hand the oil is rare, it has the form of a black spot with bubbles.

Other ways to get the oil or petroleum

As a complement, you can look for this resource in hesperononis eggs (What will be baby dinosaurs) the best thing you can do is train some hesperonis (belonging to the group of birds); It should be noted that these eggs turn into oil when they are placed in a pot.

On the other hand, the trilobites (a species offered by the invertebrate group game), we can get some oil from it, at the beginning of this game but it is not very good because if you kill one of them, the rest will flee causing damage to long term to their agriculture, which will affect the player.

It should be noted the existence of Dunkleteos (carnivorous creature) these can be tamed and thanks to it you will be able to obtain more resources. For its part, Basilosaurus (marine species) can be obtained from oil, the bad thing about this species is that it is very difficult to domesticate, this would complicate beginners.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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