How to get an armored truck in Warzone

With the Season 4 update released this week, Activision has chosen to feature the armored truck in CoD Warzone. This ties in with cargo trucks that have been in the game for quite some time and has many upgrade options that make it an unstoppable killing machine. Here’s how to get the armored truck in CoD Warzone.

First, you will need to find some satellites to call one.

How to find satellites in Warzone

To summon an armored truck, you must first find one of the smaller satellites that crash into the map during the game. These are randomized and can be seen (and heard) as you play. They are in heaven.

When you see one of these satellites, wait for it to drop down and walk towards it. Interact with it to ‘capture’ it and it will trigger a satellite cache deposit somewhere nearby.

How to get an armored truck in Warzone

Go to the satellite cache shown on your map and interact with it again. You will now receive a HARP or an armored truck. Since you are reading a guide on how to get the armored truck in Warzone, the choice is self explanatory.

The armored truck will now land on the nearby map. Climb inside and you will have the option to choose between driving the car or using the turret.

How to upgrade the armored truck

To upgrade your armored truck, head to the back and interact with the small screen in the terminal. Interact with it and you can purchase one of the upgrades listed below:

  • Armored truck
    • Reload Trophy ($ 2,500)
    • Repair an armored truck ($ 1,500)
  • Upgraded armored truck
    • Heat resistant barrel ($ 3,000)
    • Heavy armor ($ 2000)
    • Trophy system ($ 3,000)
    • UAV ($ 4000)
  • Team
    • Armor Box ($ 6000)
    • Ammo Box ($ 4,500)

Where is the armored truck?

At the time of writing this article, Raven Software has announced that the armored truck has been removed from Warzone due to a persistent issue where players are rendered invisible.

Selon le tableau officiel de Trello où les fans peuvent suivre l & # 39; état des corrections de bugs et de problèmes, cependant, a correctif a été published pour les problèmes d & # 39; invisibilité du camion blindé, il devrait donc être bientôt de retour in the game.

That’s all you need to know how to get the armored truck in CoD Warzone . Be sure to check out our wiki for more tips and tricks, or see more of our coverage of the game below.