How to free up space in my Google Drive account if it is full?

Since the arrival of the digital world, information began to circulate in large quantities, as time passed, information traffic increased greatly.

Since in order to have all the files with which we work it is necessary to save them , external storage units were created . These allowed us for a long time to save all kinds of files and then be able to use them.

But as the advancement of technology grows by leaps and bounds, file traffic as well as the weight of these increased. In this way it became extremely necessary to have more space available and thus be able to store all the information we want.

How to free up space in my Google Drive account if it is full?

The big companies in the digital world saw an opportunity in this and decided to start providing their users with extra storage space from their servers. Which represented a great advantage for all of us, since it was not necessary to download the files that take up space on our devices.

By storing documents on the servers of the web portals that offer this alternative, we can access all this information from anywhere. We only need internet access , to upload files to the cloud like Google Drive.

One of the first companies to adopt this idea and implement it was Google, through its Google Drive tool , in which you can log into your account , which was officially launched in 2012. It basically works as a service of file hosting .

Currently, it is one of the most used online storage services in the world, it has several options and particular characteristics . For example, it gives all users a space of 15 GB available for free to store the files they want.

This storage capacity can be increased through different payment plans . Google Drive is available on different platforms, such as a web page where we can access from our computer, as well as a mobile application for iOS and Android.

As time goes by, all the files that are stored in Google Drive take up space. We can get to the point of exhausting the space we have available and not having where to store our files.

Therefore, it is very necessary to know the methods that must be carried out to free up space in our account and not have to buy more space in Google Drive . In this article we will learn in an easy and simple way how to free up space in my Google Drive account if it is Full.

Steps to free up space on my Google Drive account

The best way to free up space in our Google Drive account is to do it through a computer. To do this, the first thing we must do is enter the Google Chrome browser and log in with our Google account .

Once we log in, we go to the search bar located at the top of the screen. There we must go to the official Google Drive site , you can get it at this link . In this way we will be entering our Google Drive account, specifically the storage section.

On the screen we can see the list of all the files that have been saved in Google Drive, ordered from largest to smallest according to the space they occupy in our account. Now we just have to do a few simple steps.

We look for a file that we do not want , we right click on it, a box of options will be displayed on the right side of the cursor. We must select the option «Delete or Remove» in this way we will be deleting the file.

We repeat this action with all the files we want to delete, then we go to the list of options located on the left side of the screen. We select the Trash option .

Now we can see all the files that are in the trash, we right click on a file and then “Delete permanently” . We can also restore it, in this way we have freed space in an easy way in Google Drive.

Finally, we hope this article has helped you. However, we would like to know your opinion. Have you been able to free up space on Google Drive? Leave us your answer in the comments.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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