How To Fix Msvcp110.Dll Error


  • Get rid of Msvcp110.dll errors.
  • Step-by-step instructions for removing the Msvcp110 error
  • Additional tips on how to fix the Msvcp110.dll error.

Troubleshooting Guide for Msvcp110.dll Error

The Windows operating system is able to show you many different kinds of errors. But .dll errors are the most popular among them. In real life, users often encounter .dll errors when installing any program on their PC.

Today we will analyze how to fix one of the common errors in Windows, “Msvcp110.dll is missing from the computer”.

Windows may show you a pop-up showing this error when trying to install any program.

There are several different ways that msvcp110.dll errors can show up on your computer.

The msvcp110.dll error is often associated with the msvcp100.dll problem, you can read about it in detail in our article “How to Fix the Msvcr100.Dll Error Quickly Without Downloading”

Here are the most common types of msvcp110.dll errors:

  • “Msvcp110.dll not found”
  • “This application failed to start because msvcp110.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. “
  • “Cannot find [PATH] \ msvcp110.dll”
  • “The file msvcp110.dll is missing.”
  • “Unable to start [application]. A required component is missing: msvcp110.dll. Please reinstall [app] again. “

Most likely, you saw a window with such a message recently and that is why you are here now. This error can appear even during startup or shutdown. You have come to the right place, now I will tell you several ways to fix this error.

Causes of the “MSVCP110.dll is missing” error

This error can be caused for several reasons, here are some of them:

  • Registry problems
  • Corrupt MSVCP110.dll file
  • Viruses or spyware
  • Hardware problems

After we know the reason, we can move forward and see how to fix the Msvcp110.dll error.

Basic steps to fix the Msvcp110.dll missing error

  1. Check your cart

Make sure you haven’t accidentally deleted the msvcp110.dll file. Check your cart to make sure it’s not there.

If you find it there, and wonder where to drop msvcp110.dll, don’t worry and just click restore, then check if the error has disappeared.

  1. Reinstall the program

When an error window appears, you will see that it is advised to reinstall the program. Therefore, I suggest that you try reinstalling the program causing the error and see if it reappears or the problem is resolved.

These are a few basic fixes that you should do first, and then if the error continues to appear, proceed to the methods below.

Next Steps to Fix Msvcp110.dll Missing Issue

  1. Install Visual C ++ Redistributablefor Visual Studio

Download Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio from Microsoft official site. Install it after downloading. This step, in most cases, will automatically replace the old corrupted msvcp110.dll file.

Now try reinstalling the program that was showing the error. For some users, the problem will be resolved.

  1. System Restore

If you’ve created a system restore point on your Windows PC, then this is a good time to restore your system to a previous point when your computer was working fine.

This is why System Restore is a very handy feature in Windows that most users don’t use for nothing.

  1. Cleaning the registry

If any of the above steps does not solve your problem and you still get the error “Msvcp110.dll is missing from the computer” every time you try to install a certain program, then this indicates a registry problem.

I would recommend that you download Regserve, a registry cleaning utility. This is an important tool, but like all quality stuff it is not available for free. It will cost a few bucks, but it will keep your computer error free and prevent any future registry damage.

  1. Malware / Viruses

I assume that by now you should have already corrected the errors and left. Oh, are you still here? Then try this, check your computer for viruses / malware.

Don’t forget to do a full scan with your favorite antivirus program. And pay attention to any issues your antivirus detects!

  1. Reinstall Windows:

So, if you have read to this point, it means that none of the above did not help you solve the problem of the missing msvcp110.dll file. And your next solution should be to reinstall Windows in order to fix this problem.

All corrupted drivers / files / registry will be repaired during reinstallation, and the “msvcp110 dll file is missing” error should stop appearing.

You can read how to create a bootable Windows USB flash drive in this article.

  1. CLEAN reinstallation of Windows:

This is the same as the previous point, with only one exception – a clean install of Windows will erase everything from your hard drive and install a fresh copy of Windows.

Important: All information on your hard drive (including all your personal data) will be erased during a clean install. Make sure to do your best before proceeding with this step.

  1. Troubleshooting Hardware Issues:

Test your hardware for msvcp110.dll missing issues after a clean install of Windows.

Finally, if suddenly, all the above steps did not help you solve the problem, then let me know about it in the comments box below. Also there may be written some new steps for correcting errors, which will help you fix errors to the end.

If you suddenly have a question how to fix the Kernel32.dll error  or you can familiarize yourself with some ways to fix the Msvcp110.dll error

And please note that these hotfixes can be applied to all programs or systems that may use this file on any Microsoft operating system, including: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 2000

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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