How To Fix Kernel32.Dll Error

f you are using the Windows operating system at home or at work, you should know that system32 plays a vital role in the existence of your PC. But, few people know what it is and what it is for.


  • Karnel32.dll error notifications.
  • Occurrence of DLL errors Karnel32
  • Identifying Carnel errors
  • Methods of treatment and elimination of errors Karnel32.dll

Let me explain! Simply put, at the very heart of your computer is the Windows operating system, without which your PC is completely useless.

Likewise, the system32 directory is the heart of the Windows operating system. From this we get that without proper system32 work, there is a high probability that Windows will not boot, but even if this happens, errors caused by system32 will make the OS run very slowly and cause frequent crashes.

At the heart of the system32 directory is kernel32.dll, which is translated from English. means the core. From this you can see how important it is.

Not only will the computer not be able to operate at maximum efficiency without it, there will still be many system failures and the PC will not work correctly.

Unfortunately, like most items in the system32 directory, kernel32 dll is error prone.

Therefore, it is very important to find the cause of the errors ourselves and be able to eliminate them.

You must be able to fix kernel32 errors if you want to get the best performance out of your computer and operating system.

This fact also applies to the Hal.dll error fix .

Kernel32.dll error messages

There are several variants of displaying “kernel32.dll error”.

Many different programs can generate kernel32.dll error in Windows, below I give you some specific error messages:

  • “Explorer crashed while accessing memory in module Kernel32.DLL”
  • Iexplore crashed while accessing memory in Kernel32.DLL
  • “Commgr32 has caused a memory failure in module Kernel32.dll”
  • “Error in Kernel32.dll”
  • “[Program name] caused an error in Kernel32.dll”
  • “Fatal error skype kernel32 dll”

Kernel32 dll error messages can appear when:

  • starting Windows,
  • when the program is open,
  • program execution,
  • when the program is closed or at almost any time during a Windows session.

In the system32 directory, there are many different items besides Kernel32.dll, and they all need to work together as a single unit in order to keep Windows in perfect working order.

Where do Kernel32.dll errors come from?

When Windows starts up, kernel32.dll is loaded in a protected memory space (segment), so other programs cannot use the same memory space to start their operations.

An often accompanied “bad page” error means that another program (or several programs) is trying to use the same place in the computer’s memory that is intended for kernel32.

Also, every time you perform an action that changes the configuration of the computer, you also change the system32 directory, often without even knowing it.

For example, a major change in the system32 directory appears when you install and uninstall new programs on your computer.

Unfortunately, such changes do not always go through correctly, or they are not completed to the end, and therefore changes made to the system32 files will be corrupted, thereby disrupting the operation of the computer.

In other cases, files downloaded from the Internet may be the cause. They can try to make changes to the system32 folder, but do it incorrectly and slow down the computer.

ESPECIALLY scary are viruses and spyware that are downloaded together with the files you need, and have a very strong effect on the sytem32 directory (especially the Kernel32 DLL file in it).

In this case, they can effectively take control of the computer, up to the complete termination of the PC!

How to recognize Kernel32.dll errors

We have already found out that the kernel32 file is the heart of your operating system.

This has one significant benefit, which is that if a failure occurs in the kernel32 file, your computer will inform you about it, without any additional requests from you.

In other cases, running antivirus programs will treat kernel32.dll errors as a virus and delete it, even if it is only damaged and is not a virus itself.

I’ve personally seen this a few times, for example, when using McAfee antivirus software.

How to fix Kernel32.dll Errors

  1. Reboot your computer. If the kernel32.dll error appeared by accident.
  2. Reinstall the program if the error “accessing a page of memory in module kernel32.dll” occurs only when using a specific program, for example, when you turn on Skype.
  3. Be sure to install all service packs or other patches available for the program. One of them will probably fix the damaged part of the program, which will solve the problem with the error. In extreme cases, you will have to stop using the program if it continues to cause kernel32.dll error.
  4. Repairing corrupted thumbs.db files Often an error of the type: “Explorer caused a crash when accessing memory in the Kernel32.DLL module” is caused by a corrupted thumbs.dll in the directory or folder you are trying to access.
  5. Do you have dll files saved on your desktop? If so, remove them. This can sometimes lead to kernel32.dll errors.

Additional methods for fixing the Carnel32 error

The Karnel error is often associated with the Msvcr100.Dll problem, read about this error in detail “HERE”

  1. Run a virus scan. Certain specific computer viruses cause kernel32.dll errors.

Quarantining these viruses can completely solve the problem.

  1. Update drivers for any hardware that could be related to the kernel32.dll error.

For example, if kernel32.dll error appears when printing to a printer, try updating the drivers for your printer.

If you suspect that the problem is with the drivers, but are not sure where to start, update the drivers for your video card.

Outdated versions of video card drivers sometimes cause kernel32.dll errors.

  1. Decrease the hardware acceleration on your graphics card.

This is rare, but still, some computers have problems when hardware acceleration is set to maximum by default.

  1. Have you changed your processor settings? If so, try resetting the hardware configuration settings to the default recommended by the manufacturer.

Changing them is known to cause problems with kernel32.dll.

  1. Check the system memory for damage.

Kernel32.dll error messages from random programs and actions in Windows can be a symptom of hardware failure with the computer’s memory.

Replace the memory if any of the tests fails.

  1. Perform Windows recovery.

If reinstalling individual software and performing hardware tests did not resolve the issue, installing Windows in recovery mode will replace any damaged or missing files that might be causing the kernel32.dll error.

  1. Perform a clean install of Windows. This type of installation will completely erase Windows from your computer and install it from scratch. You can read how to create a bootable Windows USB flash drive in this article.

Important: I do not advise you to rush with these steps, if, for example, skype (or any other single program) gives a kernel32 dll error, then it is better to return to step 2 and 3, and then repeat it.

Also, if the problem is in the software, then using it after a clean install of Windows will resume kernel32.

  1. Finally, if all else fails, including a clean install like in the last step, chances are you need to look out for hardware issues with your hard drive or other piece of hardware.

Replace your hardware, and then perform a clean install of Windows.

These kernel32.dll error message solutions can be applied to any Microsoft operating system from Windows 95 to Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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