How to Fix HTTP Error 503 in WordPress

The HTTP 503 Server Unavailable Error can appear when a web server is temporarily unable to handle a request that we make to it. Almost always the error occurs on the website itself and there is nothing you can do about it except try again later. However, there are a few quick things you can try to fix the HTTP 503 error.

The 503 error is different from the 500 error, an internal server error. The 500 error occurs when something is preventing the server from handling your request, while the 503 error means that the server is fine, is able to process your request, and returns a 503 error by default. The Windows error due to lack of available memory on the server may also appear at some point , but it also has a solution.


  • 1How to solve the HTTP Error 503 if I am a user
    • 1Refresh the page
    • 2Check if other users have HTTP Error 503
    • 3Reboot your devices
    • 4Contact the website
  • 2How to fix HTTP Error 503 in WordPress

How to solve the HTTP Error 503 if I am a user

An important point is that the 503 error is a server-side error. This means that the problem exists with the website you are trying to access and not with your computer. It’s good news because there’s nothing damaged on your computer, and it’s bad news because there’s usually nothing you can do to fix the problem from your side.

However, here are some quick things you can try .

Refresh the page

As we have mentioned, the http 503 error indicates a temporary problem, and sometimes that problem is solved in a matter of minutes since the site may be saturated with traffic, for example. So it’s always worth refreshing the page with F5 until it lets us in. It doesn’t fix the problem very often, but it only takes a second to try.

Check if other users have HTTP Error 503

When you can’t access a website, you can also check if it’s you who has problems connecting or if there are other people with the same problem. There are many tools out there, but our favorites are and . Both work practically the same since you only have to enter the URL you want to check and you will get the result of what happens.

Reboot your devices

So, you’ve used a site checker tool and determined that the site doesn’t work for you. Also, you have tried another browser and have the same problem. This indicates that the problem is probably something on the server, but not your browser.

It is possible that there is some strange and temporary problem with your computer or your network equipment (Wi-Fi, router, modem, etc.). A simple restart of your computer and network devices might help fix the problem. Another possibility is that the error is caused by a DNS problem, but on a DNS server and not on your computer. In that case, you can try changing the DNS server and see if the problem is resolved.

Contact the website

If the HTTP 503 error persists, another option is to contact the website owner directly. Find their contact information on the web and contact them about the page in question. If there is no contact form, you can try to contact the website through their social networks.

How to Fix HTTP Error 503 in WordPress

In the event that you are the owner of the web page that gives the HTTP 503 error, we propose some solutions for you to adjust your WordPress and users can find the products you sell or the information you publish. Some common failures for which the 503 error appears on your website are:

  • An expendable plugin does not work:in this case, quickly remove it from your website because it may be the cause of said error.
  • There is a very important plugin that does not work:if, on the contrary, it is a plugin that you want to keep on your website, yes or yes, it is best to look for a good alternative.
  • Entrance of too much traffic at once:your page may not have supported the entrance of a huge and unusual amount of traffic. In that case, and if the problem persists, it is best to increase the hosting or directly wait for the visits to decrease, with the negative that this entails.
  • If you have been touching WordPress files and caused a 503 error, you will need to restore the backup. And if you don’t have it, you should. But you may be starting with your website and you have overlooked it, so try to see if your hosting has any saved backup that you can revive.

Finally, it is possible that you will see the HTTP 503 error and you do not know where it is coming from. In this case, if you are a user, it is best to wait for those responsible for the web to solve it. But if you are the owner of the page, contact your hosting server and its technical service so that they can give you a solution.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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