How to fix ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ error in Windows 10

One of the variants of the terrible blue screen of death is the error ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ one of the most common in Windows 10. If the integrity of your PC is being attacked by this error to the point of causing you concern, do not worry anymore. Today we bring you How to fix ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ error in Windows 10 – Solution.

What are the causes of the error ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’?

The ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ error is one of the most common blue screen errors in Windows 10 and, like most blue screen errors, it is usually caused by the presence of corrupt files on the system , unsupported applications or bad configurations in the PC.

Although more specifically, the error ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ (which appears on the PC with the message ‘ there has been a problem on your PC and it needs to be restarted ‘. We are going to collect information about the error and then it will restart automatically) is caused by:

  1. RAM or hard drive corruption can cause ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ error
  2. Certain device drivers have been configured incorrectly, are corrupted, or you must uninstall old or outdated drivers
  3. Infection of a virus on the PC
  4. After installation of applications system files were deleted or corrupted causing this blue screen error
  5. Driver issues after installing new hardware
  6. The Windows registry is corrupted due to a software change

Some variants of this error that can occur in Windows 10 are: FAULTY_HARDWARE_CORRUPTED_PAGE PUBG (associated with the old PUBG game), FAULTY_HARDWARE_CORRUPTED_PAGE Dell (on Dell computers) and FAULTY_HARDWARE_CORRUPTED_PAGE Desktop.

Fixing ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ error in Windows 10 – Solution

Method 1: uninstall antivirus and firewall from the system

The ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ error, as we saw above, can be caused by third-party applications or even the system itself, such as the antivirus and firewall integrated by default in Windows 10.

One way to try to fix this blue screen error is by temporarily disabling the Windows firewall, which you can do by following the path Control Panel> Security System> Windows Defender Firewall .

Once you are in this section you must select the option Activate or deactivate Windows Defender antivirus, then when another window appears in this you must select the option Deactivate Windows Defender Firewall .

After doing this you can verify that the error has been solved, and although disabling the firewall is not a recommended measure because the firewall protects the PC, it may be the solution to this problem, but if this does not work, you must re-enable the firewall and try another solution.

Update Windows and drivers

As the ‘faulty_hardware_corrupted_page’ error can be caused by lack of updates, it is a good idea to check if you have pending updates on the system, to do this go to Start> Settings> Update and security .

When you are in this last section, you must select the Windows Update option and then click on Check for updates, then Windows will search for available updates.

Now, to update the drives or drivers , you must locate the Device Manager section , which you will reach by pressing the Windows + X keys simultaneously, when you do these, a series of options will appear, including Device Manager, the which you should select.

Once you select this option, you will see a window with the long list of installed drivers, in which you must locate the problem driver, right-click on it and select the Update driver option.

Then a window will appear with two options: update the driver manually or automatically online, choose the option that you see more according to you (for those who do not know much technology, the best option is to update automatically online ).

Reset Windows 10

Resetting Windows 10 is a very good option that can totally eradicate all the errors present in the system and the best, without having to lose your files. To do this go to Start> Settings> Update & Security> Recovery .

Later, in the Reset this PC section, click on the Start button and then select the option Keep my files and wait for your computer to be restored and the error will surely have disappeared.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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