How To Fix Error 0x80071a90 In Windows Update

If the “Update Error Code 0x80071A90” message appears when updating Windows 10, it means that the installation was incorrect. You can try to download the update again. If that doesn’t work, try to figure it out yourself. Don’t be afraid to accidentally damage system data. In most cases, the cause of the failure must be eliminated. And in Windows 10 “0x80071A90” often appears due to the fact that some files are downloaded in full or contain errors.

causes of failure

This problem can occur if:

  • Something is blocking the update. Firewall, antivirus, firewall, antispyware programs. They may interrupt the download of some important elements of the program.
  • Net Framework is not installed correctly.
  • Error code 0x80071A90 may appear if the Windows registry is corrupted or the upgrade service was incorrectly registered in it.
  • Your computer is infected with malware that has changed or deleted important data.
  • The user himself did something with the system files.
  • An application conflicts with Update Center services.
  • Incorrect installation, modification or removal of certain utilities. This can damage the registry.

The update error can be caused by a number of reasons

Bug fix

To eliminate the failure, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. If you don’t know why the 0x80071A90 error, try all the methods. It is almost always associated with an incorrect update of Windows 10.

First, try the following:

  • Check the system for malware.
  • Update the driver to the latest versions.
  • Check the system drive for faults. To do this, right-click on it, select “Properties”, tab “Tools”. You will need an option there.

You can also use the Microsoft Fix It utility. It can eliminate many types of failures. If after that the error 0x80071A90 does not disappear, then there are more serious reasons for failure.


Downloads are sometimes interrupted by antiviruses, firewalls, firewalls. You need to temporarily disable them, download the update and turn it back on. Specific actions depend on the program interface. With antivirus everything is simple: right-click on its icon in the taskbar. In the list, you will need an option.

After each action, try installing a Windows 10 update to verify that error 0x80071A90 remains.

Here’s how to disable the firewall:

  1. Go to Start – Control Panel.
  2. Go to the “System and Security” section.
  3. Open the Firewall menu.

Disable Windows Firewall

  1. Click on the “Enable and Disable” link on the left.
  2. Check “Disable firewall” and confirm.
  3. Start downloading the Windows update Check for the “code 0x80071A90” alert.
  4. Restart the firewall.


You can use registry cleaners to fix the crash. Here are some of them:

  • Registry Repair. Deep scanning and data analysis. Displays a list of problems with details about each of them.
  • Reg Organizer. Removes records left after uninstalling programs. This could cause the Update Center to crash. Including 0x80071A90. A built-in registry editor is available.
  • TweakNow RegCleaner. Carries out cleaning as much as possible carefully and accurately. The utility is easy to manage.
  • Vit Registry Fix. Manual and automatic mode are available. The utility is great for optimization.

You can troubleshoot the registry yourself. But this requires certain knowledge and skills. It is better to entrust such work to professionals. To get rid of error 0x80071A90, there will be enough listed programs. Of course, if the problem is in the registry.

trusted sites

The system can block access to servers from which Windows 10 updates are downloaded. To freely download updates, add Microsoft services to the list of trusted.

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click on “Tools” in the menu bar. Or on a gear icon.
  3. Select “Browser Properties”.
  4. Security tab.
  5. Click on the “Trusted” icon.
  6. Sites button.

<imgСайты” и=”” внесите=”” список=”” ресурсов=”” обновления=”” windows”=”” src=”//”></imgСайты”>Click the Sites button and enter a list of Windows update resources

  1. To prevent the “error code 0x80071A90” message from appearing, add the Web sites that Windows Update links to.

Here is their list:

  • //*
  • //*
  • //*
  • //*

“Stars” replace the missing characters. Links can be different – it depends on the type of update. But the main domains do not change.

Adding services to the registry

Sometimes, to remove the “code 0x80071A90” alert, you need to register MSXML services in Windows 10.

  1. Go to Start – Run.
  2. In the input field, type “regsvr32 Msxml.dll” without quotation marks and click “OK”.
  3. Do the same for the commands “regsvr32 Msxml2.dll”, “regsvr32 Msxml3.dll” and “regsvr32 Wuaueng.dll”.
  4. If any components are missing, the system will issue a warning. In this case, just keep typing commands.

In Windows 10, error code 0x80071A90 may appear if the OS update is not installed correctly or is not fully loaded. Most often the problem arises because the antivirus is running, which blocks important components for the update. There are other reasons. Although all failures can be dealt with.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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