How to fill in the CID form correctly

Although none of you would ever want to be involved in a car accident , unfortunately it is possible that at least once in your life you end up being part of a small or large accident.

In these cases, knowing how to fill in the CID form correctly is certainly useful to avoid being caught unprepared. Moreover, most of the claims are settled through the CID, without the involvement of the Police. All the more good reason to be more familiar with this module, right?

Where is the CID and why to use it

The CID, or amicable accident report form, is a form that – as known to most people – is used to reconstruct what happened in an accident between two vehicles. It follows that the CID cannot be used if accidents occur between several cars and a pedestrian, for example.

That said, the form can be collected free of charge from the insurance company with which we submitted the policy, which certainly has courtesy copies to share with its customers. Alternatively, it is still possible to download it online from many websites, in pdf format, which can be easily printed if necessary.

We obviously recommend that you prepare some copies to keep in your vehicle.

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How the CID is composed

The first time you take a look at the CID you might end up being confused by its composition and the various sections of which it is composed.

For example, it may be noted that the CID consists of four sheets, but only the first must be completed in all its parts. The remaining three are in fact carbon copies, which will reproduce the same information and indications that can be found on the first sheet.

That said, the first page (the one we are going to compile) is divided into two distinct columns, distinguished by a blue color and a yellow color. As you are probably already imagining, the two colors serve to identify and distinguish in an even easier way the two vehicles involved in the accident.

Between the two colored columns there is a white space, where it will be possible to indicate which situation caused the collision. There is also another space where you can graphically reproduce the incident and the subscription field.

How to fill in the CID

Having clarified the above, let’s move on to understanding how the CID is compiled . In principle, if only two messengers are involved in the accident, it will be sufficient to fill in a single form.

The first five sections of the CID relate to the place and date in which the accident occurred. Along with this, in the same space there will be rumors about possible material damage, injuries and witnesses.

From section no. 6 in section no. 11, on the other hand, it is possible to find the data relating to the vehicles involved, the insured persons and the respective insurance companies (considering that the insured and the driver are not always identical subjects). There is also the section reserved for damage caused by collision.

There are then two sections that allow the parties to describe the dynamics of the accident: it will therefore be possible to reconstruct what happened, with the help of the graphic representation. Finally, in the last two sections there are the observations of the two parties involved, and the signature of the two drivers.

If one of the two drivers involved in the accident does not sign the form, it will obviously no longer be possible to speak of an amicable finding, as there is no agreement between the parties.

In the other information section, as can be guessed, it will be possible to indicate all other information deemed relevant, which did not find space in the previous lines, such as the intervention of the police, data on the injured and those on witnesses.


by Abdullah Sam
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