How to export contacts from address book in Mozilla Thunderbird?

Thunderbird is one of the best email assistants out there (you can download it for free from their website ). This is due to its simple and intuitive functions, as well as its great interface. For this reason, everyone wants to learn how to use it better, so with that in mind, today you will see how to export the contacts from the address book in Mozilla Thunderbird?

And, knowing how to use this email is essential, because it is literally one of the best options available on the market today. Either because you want to update or because you are looking for an alternative to the usual emails, using this program is highly recommended.

Especially due to the fact that with it, you can keep a very tidy tray that helps you when you have a lot of work accumulated in the mail, since it brings functions that allow you to organize the emails or messages by folders , and also hide the reading emails and show unread ones , which is advantageous for anyone.

How to export contacts from address book in Mozilla Thunderbird?

Currently, having your contacts organized on each of your devices and applications is something completely necessary, since you will probably use them at some point and not having them can generate a problem.

Thanks to the fact that Mozilla is one of the best foundations that exists, it has put in its mail assistant an option that allows you to export the contacts from it, to pass them to any other part as a CVS file (you can also in the same way pass or import my contacts ).

If you want to do this, you have to first go to Thunderbird on your computer. When you are in it, look for the option called “Tools” and press it, then select the “Address Book” section, within it choose any of your books by clicking on them.


It should be noted that you have to necessarily choose a specific notebook before proceeding, because otherwise the default option will be activated which makes all the folders selected at the same time. The result of this will be a blank CVS file, which will be of no use to you at all.

After having your folder marked, press the ” Tools ” tab again , and then click on ” Export_ “. This action will cause you to get a box where you must choose “Separated by commas (* .csv)” , in the ” Format ” tab .

Then choose a folder where to save it and the name you want to put it, finally click ” Save “. Keep in mind that the steps vary a bit depending on the operating system used.

How good is Thunderbird?

Now that you have answered the initial question on how to export the contacts from the address book in Mozilla Thunderbird;  it’s time for you to learn a little more about this email assistant.

The first thing you have to know is that it not only lets you send emails, but also has the ability like Yahoo! to show you current news , which is configured in order of priority for you.

In addition to this, most of its functions are similar to those of other emails with exceptions of operation and design of course. This mail system is on par with its counterparts from other companies (despite not being popular).


Especially for the fact of letting you use instant messaging on it, through Twitter, Google Talk or another program (so you can chat with Mozilla contacts ). Not all emails have this innovation, so Thunderbird will give you an advantage.

In turn, Mozilla will no longer take care of the assistant, but another subsidiary, so you can be sure that more updates will come that add a new image, content, and tools, which may position this email as one of the best .

With that last one, your learning for today ends, so you can now go to your email and start exporting the contacts, since thanks to the answers provided; the question How to export the contacts from the address book in Mozilla Thunderbird? , is no longer a mystery to you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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