How to easily put chapters or timestamps on Youtube

Can I divide my YouTube videos into chapters or timestamps? How can I add chapters to my YouTube video? What steps should I follow to add chapters or marks to my videos and make them more attractive?

YouTube is the leading platform for videos uploaded to the Internet. Thinking about watching a video online is the same as thinking about YouTube. Because millions of users enter the platform every day, it is excellent for creating content.

In the same way that there are millions of users viewing content on YouTube, there are hundreds of “influencers” or content creators for this platform. So the competition is usually quite broad.

If you create content on YouTube, you should know that one of the ways to attract views every time you want to premiere a video is by adding chapters or timestamps. So today we will explain to you in simple steps how to do it.

What are chapters or timestamps on YouTube?

The leading online video platform , YouTube, now has a new feature. Whenever you decide to upload a video to youtube , you can add a chapter or a timestamp function.

Chapters or timestamps consist of dividing your videos into sections, or chapters themselves. Timestamps will be found in the description of your video . In this way users will be able to access the part of the video that is of interest to them.

This is an excellent function to make your videos more attractive. Currently on the Internet one of the best techniques to stand out from the competition is to make the user experience more comfortable. If your videos have functions such as chapters or timestamps, the user can go to the part of the video they want.

Additionally, creating chapters or timestamps gives users more information and context. Since it allows you to previously know all the content or key points that are addressed.

Combining chapters or timestamps on YouTube with custom thumbnails is an excellent way to get views and increase subscribers.

Steps to add chapters or timestamps to a video

To add chapters or timestamps to a video on the platform, the first thing you should do is log in to YouTube. Then you must enter ‘Youtube Studio’ and in content or videos you must click on the video that you want to divide into chapters.

To add chapters to a YouTube video you must add several timestamps. To do this in the description of the video you must add a list of timestamps and titles.

The first timestamp you add must start at 0:00 , otherwise it won’t work. In the same way, for the chapters in your video to be enabled, there must be a minimum of 3 timestamps of at least 10 seconds.

Timestamps that you add to your video description should be sorted in ascending order. If you do it in the opposite way, that is, descending, the chapters will not be enabled.

To finish, you just have to click on the button that indicates ‘Save’ and in this way when you enter your video you will be able to see it divided into chapters or sections.

Create sections for Youtube videos

Once you have managed to divide your video into chapters using timestamps, another way to customize your channel to increase its traffic is to create sections for your videos.

To create sections you just have to go to your studio on the platform and click on the ‘Design’ section, then at the bottom you will find the option to ‘Add section’.

You can create sections on your YouTube channel according to your videos , popular uploads, channels or lists. In this way you will organize your channel easily and give it a professional appearance that can be comfortable for all those users who enter your videos or channel.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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