How to detect a computer virus

Computer viruses are programs created to infect your PC or computer, and they can also be so dangerous that some are capable of stealing the information that is stored in it . In addition to infecting everything in its path, rendering the files practically unusable, because it will not only damage the software on your PC, but the hardware could also be affected.

Computer viruses are encrypted programs created by people or programmers , with the aim of causing both material and economic damage to mostly organizations; Although there are also people who create viruses for academic purposes, the difference is that they never publish them, preventing users from harming themselves.

In addition, the latter work continuously in the development of antivirus that will serve to prevent a malicious program from infecting your computer, as is the case with Microsoft’s download support that has several antivirus programs that will prevent your PC from contracting one.

How to detect a computer virus

Any PC can contract malicious software as it is also known, since these are found on download pages, infected links or simply by entering into contact by incorporating a mass storage unit better known as a pendrive. For this reason, it is very important to be aware of the signs that will tell you that your computer is infected with a virus, so pay close attention.

1. The speed of your computer

The first thing you should evaluate is whether the speed with which your PC responds is changing , since when a computer is infected by any kind of virus, it usually takes time to respond, that is, it slows down. Although there are many other reasons why your laptop could be slow , viruses are the main culprits.

2. Error messages

Error messages on computers should always raise an alarm , since they occur because some problem is being generated within the computers. So if you see that your PC indicates an error when turning off or on, it is appropriate to carry out an analysis or look for the specialist to do it. Since if it is not a virus, maybe some software or hardware problem is presenting.

3. Evaluate the files on your computer

Another way to determine if your PC is infected with a virus is by checking the status of the files. In this case, what you should evaluate is whether there are recent files or whether the extension of the documents is modified ; if so, be sure that there is a malicious program on your computer. It should be noted that in that case you could quarantine the viruses on your PC,  thus avoiding losing the documents and files that are in it.

4. Antivirus

Finally, another method to find out if your computer has been infected by a computer virus is by analyzing it with an antivirus ; They also perform a complete analysis, scanning all the programs and software found on the computer and thus determine the status.

How to fight computer viruses?

To combat a computer virus there is only one way to do it, and that is by installing antivirus software on the computer , since these programs are the only ones that can detect and eliminate viruses that circulate on the Web in time. In this case, it will be useful to know which are the best Free antivirus for PC ; this way you will be able to install the model or version that best suits you according to the activities you carry out daily on your computer.

However, there are some tips that applying them continuously will help you prevent your computer from being infected with these problematic viruses. The first thing is that you must be careful with what you download on the networks, since many infected files with false names circulate there. Similarly, never accept contact files that you do not know and if you notice that when you enter a Web page it tells you that it is not a safe place or place, automatically close the tab.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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