How to delete games from the Nintendo Switch?

The Nintendo Switch is the console developed by “Nintendo”, which will provide you with many hours of entertainment, thanks to the wide variety of games it offers; But for some of the users who use it, they consider that its internal memory is not enough to store all the games they want to have.

The games on this console are in a cartridge format (memory chips), for this reason, many players want to know, how they can eliminate the games and data from the Nintendo Switch, this is a very simple process that will not take you long time.

Storage of the Nintendo Switch

This console will allow you to play all the games you want , providing you with the oldest, most famous and most current games; You can play with your friends and family by creating online groups , this will ensure that your family and you have a pleasant time while playing together

The new Nintendo console uses Carthusians to distribute their games, this will ensure that you do not have to install the games on the console; but the problem arises, when users want to buy or download in digital format , it happens that this console only has 32GB of internal memory.

For this reason, the console does not have enough space to store some games, which need more storage to play, not many games will be reliable to keep them in storage, what is most recommended is to play them and at the end of the whole game , delete it and enter new games.

It should be mentioned, that this device does not accept an external USB memory, because they are not compatible. When downloading a game, a notification will appear indicating that your Nintendo does not have enough space to download the game you want to obtain.

How to delete games from the Nintendo Switch?

Deleting the games from the console will be the best option to open space in it. The steps you must follow are as follows: The first thing we must do is turn on the console by pressing the “A” button, then we will unlock the console To do this, press button “A” three times.

When we are in the main menu of the console, we go to “Console configuration” (this is the one with the logo of a gear) once there, we go down the list, until we find the one that says “Data management” then we press the option “Manage programs”.

Here we will observe, the list of all the games that the console has (both on the hard disk and on the SD card), we search through this list for the game that we want to delete, when we find it we select it; we will see that a new window will appear in the which you must press “Delete the program”, another window will appear and we select “Delete”, then we press “OK”.

You can also repeat this process , as many times as you need to delete each game manually, by doing so the game will be completely removed from your device and the only way to recover it is to download it again.

How to delete only the games of the Nintendo Switch?

When deleting the game, all the games will be deleted; But if you only want to delete the games , to free up a little space but continue to maintain the game, to do so you will only have to follow a series of steps, if you want to make this process easier you can connect your Nintendo to a TV and in this way the process without making a mistake.

First we go to “Home”, then we press “Settings”, in the right menu we will go to “Data Management”, once here we select “Screenshots” (Saved data and screenshots).

Now we choose “Delete Save Data” , we press the game from which you want to delete the saved games, by doing this you will not be able to recover this data, since it will be completely deleted.

On the other hand, if you want to have more space you can also delete the credit card information , also if you want more space, you must get a “MicroSD” memory, here you can also store the games, because this console does allow you to save games in This type of unit, you can also use a “128GB memory”, being four times the capacity of the Nintendo.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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