How to delete a course in duolingo on laptop

Learn how to delete a course in Duolingo on a laptop in just a few simple steps. Follow our guide for easy removal of unwanted courses from your account.

To delete a course on Duolingo using a laptop, you can follow these steps:

Step Action
1 Open your web browser and go to the Duolingo website.
2 Log in to your Duolingo account.
3 Click on your Profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
4 Select ‘Settings’ from the dropdown menu.
5 Click on ‘Learning Language’ on the right side of the screen.
6 Under the ‘Language’ section, find the course you want to delete.
7 Click on ‘Reset or remove languages’.
8 Find the course you wish to delete and click on ‘Remove’.
9 Confirm the removal if prompted.

Please note that once a course is deleted, all progress in that course will be permanently lost. Make sure you really want to remove the course before confirming the deletion.

Whether it’s because you’ve completed the course or want to focus on a different language, this article will guide you on how to delete a course in Duolingo on your laptop.
Step 1: Log in to Your Duolingo Account
To begin, open your preferred web browser and go to the Duolingo website. Log in to your account by entering your username and password. If you don’t have an account, you can easily create one by signing up for free.
Step 2: Access Your Profile Settings
Once you’re logged in, click on your profile picture located at the top-right corner of the screen. A dropdown menu will appear. Select “Settings” from the options provided.
Step 3: Navigate to the Learning Language Page
In the settings menu, you’ll find various options related to your Duolingo account. Look for the “Learning Language” tab and click on it. This will take you to the page where you can manage your courses.
Step 4: Delete the Course
On the Learning Language page, you’ll see a list of all the courses you’re currently enrolled in. Find the course you want to delete and click on the three-dot menu icon next to it.
From the dropdown menu, select the “Remove” option. A confirmation prompt will appear asking if you’re sure about deleting the course. Click “OK” to proceed.
Step 5: Refresh Your Browser
After deleting the course, it’s essential to refresh your browser to ensure the changes take effect. Press the refresh button on your browser, or you can simply press the F5 key on your keyboard.
Q: Can I delete multiple courses at once on Duolingo?
Yes, you can delete multiple courses at once on Duolingo. Simply follow the same steps mentioned above for each course you want to delete. Keep in mind that deleting a course will remove all your progress and data related to that course. Make sure to back up any important information before proceeding.
Q: Can I undo a course deletion on Duolingo?
No, once you delete a course on Duolingo, it cannot be undone. All your progress, including completed lessons, streaks, and achievements associated with that course, will be lost. If you want to re-learn a course, you’ll need to start from scratch.
Q: Does deleting a course in Duolingo remove it from all devices?
Yes, deleting a course in Duolingo will remove it from all devices connected to your account. Whether you’re using the Duolingo app on your smartphone or learning on multiple laptops, deleting a course will remove it from every device.
Deleting a course in Duolingo on your laptop is a straightforward process. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily remove courses that you no longer wish to learn. However, remember that deleting a course will erase all your progress, so think twice before making any changes. Happy learning!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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