How to create a professional and free website step by step?

The internet takes power every day, and more users need a web page to meet their goals , be they financial, creative, or otherwise. If you need to create a website and you don’t want to invest a penny, this tutorial guide will teach you how to create a free website.

How to CREATE a Professional and Free WEB PAGE Step by Step

From creating a free website or blog on Weebly to making or designing a website with CorelDRAW , there are endless options for success.

Founding a website is crazy, it takes a lot of knowledge in programming and programs that are quite complicated to handle . However, it is possible, step by step, to create a professional website without knowing Draftium programming.

These range from the HTML, CSS and PHP language, to the management of editing programs such as Photoshop .

There are many things to know to be prepared for this arduous work, and not satisfied with this, first you have to invest in a domain.

Surely there will be people who will have the resources, the time and the disposition, as well as the ease of learning everything that is needed to create their own web section.

But what about the ones that don’t? What about people who do not have these facilities? And that to progress they have the urge to generate their own site.

Surely you may wonder, is there no way to create a website for free? And the answer is yes, yes there is, here we show you that way to create your website without investing absolutely anything .

Create your website using WordPress

WordPress is a fairly complete and friendly system where we can have our website for free.

First we enter the WordPress website  and choose “Start” in the upper right corner. The start is immediate.

It will redirect us to the first configuration in which we can choose how the web will look at first. There are three standard options. Next, you can choose the theme of the web (this step is not necessary at first).


The third step is to put an address to our new site, the URL with which the page will be accessed. This will be a subdomain, which will be preceded by the word

Here it will show you the different options for the address, you must choose the free subdomain . Then you can view the different plans with their benefits according to cost.

As a next step, he will expose you to a series of plans ranging from the free package to the Business plan, which carries a series of conditions and benefits depending on which one you choose.

Several of these aspects are customization on many levels, storage space, frequent advertising, themes and essential Jetpack functions.

We will opt for the “Start with Free” option. We will immediately need to create the user account that will be associated with the page. Thus, the platform will begin to create a free website.

It will ask us to fill in the boxes with our email, a preferred username and a password. Finally we select “Create my account”. Which will redirect us to the panel of our new website .

Customize my website in WordPress

WordPress is an incredible platform that automates everything regarding the modification of our section on the internet. Which guarantees the structure and gives us the freedom to customize it.

At first glance we find a stock model of the subdomain, which we must modify according to our needs .


At the top left, we will find a button called “My site” that will display all the options with which we can configure our site.

These range from adding multimedia content , to customizing the theme, blog posts, plugins, among others.

If we want to access the most important settings on our site, we will select the ” Settings ” option .

There we will be shown the most important and relevant options of our site such as the title, the description of the page, the time zone, the privacy and even the language that we want to be the default.

And that’s how simple and easy it is to create a free website with the help of WordPress, the most popular platform for creating sites and blogs on the market.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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