How to cool a room without air conditioning

Here are the 10 best ways to cool a room or apartment in the summer without air conditioning. Many of them will come in handy even in cold weather to cool the ardor of the hot-blooded batteries.

Hang curtains and blinds – block the path of the sun

Windows protect from most UV rays, but they let the heat through even when closed. This problem is especially noticeable in rooms on the south side. The rays gradually heat up objects, which transfer their “warmth” to the air.

To avoid the appearance of “sunbeams”, hang thick blinds or blackout curtains. They should be drawn while the celestial body “looks” out of the window.

Important: Is it worth buying a mobile air conditioner: 9 arguments “for” and 2 “against”

Cover windows with sun-protection film: isolate yourself from the world

This is an effective method, since the film allows some of the rays to pass through, enough light remains in the room, but the temperature does not rise. From the outside, the window will look as if it was covered with foil. Inside, everything that happens on the street will be visible – just a little darker. Visibility as if through sunglasses.

Humidify the air – life-saving water

Indoor humidity helps to obtain an optimal microclimate at any temperature – whether it is slightly higher or lower than normal. The main thing is not to exceed the values ​​of 50-60%, which are measured by hygrometers and weather stations . Feels like you can feel excessive dryness of the skin and “sand in the eyes” – this will help humidifiers . In many such devices, a hygrometer is built-in, it turns on and off automatically.

The devices can be used almost all year round. In the summer, humidifiers add life-giving moisture to the air. In winter, they save from the harmful effects of batteries and convectors , because heating dries the air, and the humidifier returns the indicators to optimal values.

Cleanliness is the key to health: How to clean your air conditioner: 11 easy steps

Use a fan and ice: feel the arctic freshness

Preventing hot air from entering a room is only half the battle. It is necessary to cool the one that has already got into the apartment. If there is no air conditioning or climate control, an ice bottle and a fan will come to the rescue .

To understand how such a simple combination can improve the microclimate, check out the table below:

Action What is it for
Pour water into a bottle and put it in the  refrigerator   (ideally in an emergency freezer ) Cool water will warm up to room temperature rather quickly, but a bottle-sized block of ice will melt for 2 hours even at + 35 ° С
Take out the bottle after 30-50 minutes and cut it carefully It takes it to free the ice
Sprinkle the lump with kitchen salt and place it on a plate. This will trigger the reaction of “accelerated” melting.
Place this plate in front of the fan on This combination will make even hot dry air a refreshing breeze.
Enjoy the coolness of the room A piece of ice from a half-liter bottle will melt in half an hour. From 1.5 liters – much longer

If it is not possible to cut the bottle, open it and pour a pinch of salt through the neck. No more need to add, too fast a reaction can damage the bottle.

The right choice: Breezer, air conditioner or recuperator – which is better to choose: 3 key characteristics

Disconnect heat sources – reduce the number of working equipment

Energy and warmth are inseparable. If you want to lower the temperature in the room, you need to turn off some household appliances. More heat is provided by the kitchen – microwave oven , electric oven , kettles and refrigerators. As well warms up the air bath: towel , floor heating , tumble dryer …

Computers , laptops and consoles can increase living and sleeping temperatures . The heat is especially felt if the devices are plowed in at peak loads and warmed up to 60-80 ° С, and the cases within 35-50 ° С. Half a meter from the devices, the temperature is 1-2 ° C higher. Let this be a small figure, but when, so, it is hot, such an increase does not add joy.

It should also be borne in mind that classic incandescent bulbs heat up during operation to extremely high values ​​(up to 80 ° C). And in order to improve the microclimate of the room, it is preferable to replace them with LED lamps. They barely heat up and at the same time save energy.

The opposite rule works in winter – if you want to raise the temperature without turning on the climatic technology, you need to start up as many household appliances as possible.

Read: How to Install a Mobile Air Conditioner Avoiding 6 Common Mistakes

Correct ventilation – the task is not to start the heat

When ventilating, take into account the air temperature outside the room. If it is hotter outside than at home, it will become even warmer after airing. Due to the convection of air, the room gives off its coolness “outside”, in return for receiving heat. But when it is colder “in nature” than in the “den”, then the room gives off its heat outside, getting cool.

Therefore, in the hot season, it is recommended to ventilate the house only at night, when it gets pretty cool outside. But in spring and autumn, the opposite is true – it is better to run fresh air only during the day, otherwise even a blanket will not save from sharp night frosts.

Turn on the hood

A great method to quickly cool down a bathroom or kitchen without an air conditioner. As the hot air rises upward, the hood will help to get rid of exactly the excessive heat.

Educational program: A detailed guide in 7 points of what it is – a precision air conditioner and the principles of its operation

Use cold or wet sheets: the refrigerator gives salvation

Those who have free shelves in the refrigerator can use a good life hack. To sleep on a cold one, you need three steps:

  • Hide the sheet in a wrap or large bag

This is necessary so that moisture does not get on the fabric.

  • Put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes

To cool the fabric, but not freeze it.

  • Get out the bed and spread it

For another 30-40 minutes, it will give the desired coolness.

If you have unused laundry at home, you can use the “wet” method of emergency room cooling without air conditioning. It will look like this:

  1. Take a large piece of cloth.
    This can be a sheet, nightie, bath towel, etc.
  2. Collect cold water in a basin. You
    need exactly cool water.
  3. Rinse the laundry by wringing it out slightly.
    It is enough to do so that the fabric does not drip onto the floor.
  4. Hang this fabric on a window or a dryer, which was placed by the window.
    So the air from the street will pass through the “wet filter” and cool slightly.

This simple method will take 10-15 minutes of time and will give 2-3 hours of refreshing coolness at a room temperature above 25 ° C. The colder the air and the larger the size of the item, the longer it will take to dry.

On the topic: Window air conditioner: what it is, how it works, 6 pluses and 3 minuses of the device

Do a wet cleaning – cleanliness will always help

Moisture is the best option if you want to lower the temperature in the room. Wet cleaning helps to achieve the desired microclimate. For maximum effect, ice water should be used. To do this, add up to 300 grams of ice to a bucket of cold water. It will lower the temperature, which will help cool the air in the room faster.

This method will be a real salvation for allergy sufferers. Damp mopping can help reduce dust build-up in your room, as moisture attracts dust to the floor. And there it was washed out by the mop.

If there is no time for regular wet cleaning, air washing is irreplaceable. It humidifies the air by driving dust into a “wet” trap. The owners will only have to walk with a mop at the end of the day – most of the dust will already be “nailed” to the floor.

Three-in-one: Air Purifying and Humidifying Air Conditioner – 4 Reasons to Get

Get rid of heat accumulators: hide the blanket in the closet

The “popular” name for dense textiles is a dust collector. In addition to dirt, it also accumulates heat in itself. This is especially noticeable during the warm season and transitional seasons. Thick fabrics literally capture warmth. In winter it gives a warming effect, in summer this property of textiles is harmful.

If you want coolness in summer (or in winter, when the batteries are running at maximum power), it is better to hide the fabrics in a closet and replace them with a lighter option. Satin, silk, chiffon – thin materials will help to escape from the heat. But wool, plush and dense knitwear are best hidden until “harsh” times.

These 10 tips on how to cool your room without air conditioning will help you maintain the ideal climate all year round. And most importantly, they do not require much effort and expense.