How to contact Glovo

When ordering food at home, it is advisable that you contact the restaurant directly to do so because they may have their own delivery men. But if you use applications that work as intermediaries, you will know Glovo. And it’s not always easy to fix problems. If you have them, we explain how to contact customer service by phone, chat or email.

Through Glovo you can order food , gifts or all kinds of products. If you use it or have used it and want to make a claim or simply contact customer service and resolve incidents with your order or purchase.

Frequent questions

From the Glovo website we can find help with the main questions you may have about your account, your orders or possible failures. We can find it in the “contact” section and we will find all kinds of questions. As in the app, they will tell us how to solve some of the classic problems.

Although there are all kinds of content, the main categories are:

  • Glovo Prime
  • Account information
  • Verify my identity
  • Glovo Newsletter
  • Ordering Information
  • work with us
  • Policies

Within each section we will find a solution to all kinds of doubts. How we change our payment method, how to place an order, how to have a Prime subscription, what to do if there are missing products in the order, what happens if the order has not arrived in good condition or what happens if you want to cancel the Glovo order.

How to contact Glovo

If you want to contact customer service by email with Glovo, it will be complicated. From the home service website there is no section where we can find an email or a telephone number to contact Glovo. But with an Internet search it will be enough to find the contact methods.

Customer service by phone

Of course, we can find some contact information on the Internet that we can contact if we want to contact by phone or email. The telephone number to communicate with Glovo is 932 26 66 51. But you must bear in mind that it is not a free telephone number and that you will have to pay for the call at the usual rate.

via email

If what you want is to contact via email, we can write directly to [email protected] although it is an email intended for workers rather than if you have a problem with orders. There are also other emails that you can address such as [email protected]

Contact through social networks

We can also do it through social networks, although it is not usually a way to ensure that they will pay attention to us. Through profiles such as Twitter we can try to communicate with Glovo customer service.

In the microblogging social network, the profile is @Glovo_Es . Also on Facebook we can find it through glovoappES if we want to leave a comment or try to contact.

Claims or complaints

If what we want is to make a claim or complaint about an order that we have made, we can contact from the Glovo application itself. We go to our account and access its settings. Here, by tapping on ” help ” you will see that there are two options: related to an order or not related to an order.

When you tap on the first one, all your recent orders will appear. Tap the one you’re interested in or the one you want to claim . You will see several options to choose from:

  • Quality or condition of the products
  • Order delivery problem
  • The order was missing products or contained different products
  • Problem with the delivery man
  • Payment issue / promo code

If you tap on one or the other option, the app will redirect you or search for a solution. For example, if you complain about a product that was missing, you will have to indicate which one. Depending on the complaint or claim, you will see that it provides a solution. For example, a discount code to make up for a delay or a refund for something that hasn’t arrived.

If the problem requires the assistance of an agent, Glovo will automatically refer you to a chat so that they can solve the problem or that you can express what happened, what

Contact Glovo as a delivery man

If what you want is to contact Glovo because you are a delivery person, you must also do so from the application itself. In this case, there are specific sections for courier service workers or glovers. Everything is managed from here.

Depending on the problem, there are several sections that we can consult:

  • contact customer
  • Contact the establishment
  • Accidents and infractions
  • reassign order
  • report bad weather
  • Problems at the collection point
  • Issues at the delivery point
  • Problems with the application

Within each of these sections we can report problems or ask for help .