How to connect Bluetooth devices to TV Chromecast

Today there are many users around the world who, with the advancement of technology, have their Smart TVs and can enjoy movies, series, documentaries, thanks to the platforms that the Internet offers us.

That’s why Chromecast is one of those devices that by connecting it to the HDMI port of your television you can enjoy all the services it offers in streaming and is compatible with most devices such as: iPhone, iPad, Android and macOS computers and Windows PCs . It should be noted that you can connect Bluetooth devices to your Chromecast TV.

How to connect Bluetooth devices to TV CHROMECAST – Learn how to do it

Index( )

  1. What are the steps to connect a speaker to a Google TV?
  2. How do I pair a Bluetooth headset to Google TV?
  3. How do I unpair connected Bluetooth devices from a Chromecast?
  4. What is the reason that a speaker connected to the Chromecast cannot be heard?
  5. Why don’t the audio from the headphones and the image from Google TV sync?

What are the steps to connect a speaker to a Google TV?

It is always important to have your devices connected so that when you want to use them they are already synchronized, in the case of connecting your speakers to Google TV, you will be able to use the Google assistant, with this option you will be able to control the playback of videos and music .

In the same way you can watch movies online from PC on your Chromecast , as long as you have Web Video Caster which is a Chromecast compatible application. Follow these steps so you know how to connect your speakers to Google TV.

  1. You must ensure that your mobile device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network or linked to the same account
  2. Then open the Google Home app and at the top right click on your account
  3. Now you are going to verify that the Google accountthat is displayed is the one that is linked with the speaker or screen
  4. Then go back to the main screen and press on Chromecast or TV with Chromecastintegrated
  5. Now you are going to go to settings and select Recognition and sharing and you are going to look for a Banner that says ´´Enable voice control and more´´

How do I pair a Bluetooth headset to Google TV?

Linking Bluetooth headphones to your Smart TV will sound a bit strange to you, but the truth is that it is something very easy and useful to do , since it benefits you because you can listen to the content you want to see on your Chromecast at full volume and enjoy a different experience when having your headphones connected.

  1. Open your Google TV home screenand go to your home profile, located at the top
  2. Then you are going to get into Settings and you are going to look for the option ´´Remote control and accessories´´
  3. Now you are going to put your headphones in pairing mode and in the Chromecast you are going to select ´´Pair remote control or accessories´´
  4. Then you will wait for your headphones to appear in the listand you will select them
  5. Finally, you only have to finish configuring the pairing on the screen and it will be ready

When everything is ready and connected, the volume buttons on the remote control are the ones that will adjust the volume of your headphones , that will be shown on your TV screen and if you have finished using your headphones via Bluetooth and want to return to the original volume of your TV just turn off the Bluetooth headphones.

How do I unpair connected Bluetooth devices from a Chromecast?

If you are no longer interested in having Bluetooth devices connected to your Chromecast, you should know that this action will completely remove the list of linked devices and when you want to use it again you will have to reconfigure it from scratch so that they can be linked again.

  1. The first thing you are going to do is open the Google Home application
  2. At the top of your screen on the right side, you will go into Settings
  3. Then you select the Audio option and you get into ´ ´Linked Bluetooth devices´´
  4. Finally you are going to press on the ´´X´´ next to the device you want to unlink, in this way the devices will no longer be available on your Chromecast

What is the reason that a speaker connected to the Chromecast cannot be heard?

In case of presenting this problem, it may be that when you were configuring the sound and it did not play on the speaker, it is because the process was not completed completely , to verify that everything works correctly, you have to make sure that:

  1. The Chromecast Audio is on, the LED light should be flashing white
  2. The speaker can find the Chromecast audio device and connect
  3. Chromecast is connected to a speaker with the audio cable
  4. the horn is on
  5. Test the speaker with other devices via the cable and confirm that you can hear the sound

In case you have already gone through the steps above and the problem still persists, you will most likely need to factory reset your Chromecast Audio and set it up again. However, you can also have problems with the communication failure of Chromecast with Google TV and thus interrupt your experience with this device.

Why don’t the audio from the headphones and the image from Google TV sync?

This issue could be because when you set up your Google TV, you can connect multiple Bluetooth devices, be it headphones or game controllers, however, you can only connect one audio device at a time and that’s why it must be the error you’re getting from that, the image and audio are not synchronized, because there is more than one audio device connected. Instead, you can always quickly set up your Chromecast to connect to your TV.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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