How to configure two or more monitors in Linux Mint from the terminal

How to configure two or more monitors in Linux Mint from the terminal.By following these simple steps, you can easily configure two or more monitors in Linux Mint from the terminal. Enjoy the expanded workspace and increased productivity.

Configuring multiple monitors in Linux Mint from the terminal can be accomplished using the xrandr command. xrandr is a command-line tool to interact with the X Window System, providing the ability to query and set screen resolutions and arrangements. Below is a step-by-step guide in a tabular format:

Step Action Command/Description
1 Open Terminal Use Ctrl + Alt + T to open a terminal window.
2 Check Connected Monitors Run xrandr to list all connected displays and their supported resolutions.
3 Identify Monitor Names Note the names of the monitors (e.g., HDMI1, DP1).
4 Configure Primary Monitor Use xrandr --output MONITOR_NAME --primary to set the primary monitor. Replace MONITOR_NAME with the actual name of your primary monitor.
5 Set Resolution for Primary Monitor Run xrandr --output MONITOR_NAME --mode RESOLUTION to set a specific resolution. Replace RESOLUTION with your desired resolution.
6 Position Secondary Monitor Use xrandr --output SECOND_MONITOR_NAME --right-of MONITOR_NAME to position the secondary monitor to the right of the primary.
7 Set Resolution for Secondary Monitor Similar to step 5, use xrandr --output SECOND_MONITOR_NAME --mode RESOLUTION for the secondary monitor.
8 Apply Additional Settings (optional) Apply settings like rotation (--rotate), scaling (--scale), or setting a different position (e.g., --left-of, --above, --below).
9 Save Configuration (optional) Changes made with xrandr are not persistent across reboots. To make them permanent, add the xrandr commands to your .xprofile file.

Note: Replace MONITOR_NAME, SECOND_MONITOR_NAME, and RESOLUTION with the actual names and resolutions of your monitors.

This table provides a straightforward guide for configuring multiple monitors in Linux Mint using terminal commands. Remember that exact commands might slightly vary depending on your specific hardware and monitor setup.

How to configure two or more monitors in Linux Mint from the terminal

It is possible to configure two or more monitors in Linux Mint from the terminal. For this, it is convenient to learn to use the Linux terminal and the basic commands . In this way, it will be easier to use the ARandR tool, especially if you follow the procedure that we explain below.

Connect the monitors

The first step is to connect the monitors to your computer’s graphics card . Make sure to use a suitable and good cable to make the connection successfully.

Also, check the compatibility of the video slots between the monitors and your graphics card. In any case, you can choose to use an adapter.

Install the graphics card driver

If you still don’t have the driver for your PC’s graphics card, it is advisable to go to the repository and download it. To do this, access the Linux terminal using the “Ctrl + Alt + T” keys. In the command window type apt-get install nvidia-settings if your device belongs to the manufacturer “Nvidia” and press “Enter”.

Set up the monitors

The monitors can be configured from the graphics card software . To do this, go to “System” and select “Administration”. Then go to “NVIDIA X Server Settings”. Choose the “Detect Display” option. Click on “Configure” and choose “TwinView.” Locate “Save to X Configuration File” and select “Desktop.” Finally, save your changes.

Download the ARandR tool

The process to download packages and programs from the terminal is very simple. In fact, you can use “ARandR” from the Linu repository after accessing the terminal with the “Ctrl + Alt + T” keys. In the terminal, type the following command line: sudo apt upgrade and press “Enter.” In this way, you can update the packages in the repository .

Then, write the syntax: sudo apt-get install arandr and press the “Enter” key for the system to proceed to locate and download the ARandR program .

 Open ARndR to configure the two monitors in Linux Mint

Once you have downloaded the program, you can run it from the terminal. To do this, type arandr and press the “Enter” key. A graphical interface will open with which you can configure the monitors by placing one screen next to the other and saving the new configuration.

Subsequently, press the button (with the down arrow) and check if the second monitor is an extension of the content that your main screen presents.

Modify the screen resolution from the terminal

You can change the screen resolution from the terminal. For example, if you want to set a frequency of 60 Hz, you can write the following syntax: gtf 1366 768 60 and press the “Enter” key. With the command “gtf” you can manage the main monitor and its extensions


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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