How to clean motorcycle chain

Many people who have bought their first two wheels, and are passionately approaching the world of motorcycle maintenance, wonder how to clean the motorcycle chain and, even earlier, why this operation is necessary.

Well, in our today’s in-depth study we will try to understand exactly why cleaning the motorcycle chain is one of the operations that you should carry out with the greatest frequency, and how you can proceed quickly in carrying out this task.

We therefore recommend that you read the following lines carefully!

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Why clean the motorcycle chain?

How often to clean the motorcycle chain

What you need to clean the motorcycle chain

How to clean the motorcycle chain

Why clean the motorcycle chain?

The first element we want to share with you is why it is essential to clean the motorcycle chain . In fact, by discovering it you will have all the most useful reasons to be able to schedule this operation, avoiding neglecting the cleaning of this so fundamental object.

The answer to the question is, however, rather simple . The motorcycle chain is in fact subjected to constant stresses, and is exposed to bad weather and dirt from the asphalt, especially if the two-wheeler is used outside urban circuits.

Now, since the chain is made of metal, it is unfortunately quite easy for it to be nicked by rust. Conversely, a chain that has undergone a periodic cleaning process and that has been properly greased ensures smooth movement and more efficient transmission. As a result, it will not only last longer, but will also help make all the mechanical parts it interacts with last longer.

How often to clean the motorcycle chain

Without prejudice to what we have just shared, it must also emerge that there is no precise rule on how often the bike chain must be cleaned, considering that all this will depend on the conditions of use.

In general, however, it is advisable to avoid going beyond 800 – 1,000 km without adequate cleaning. However, even before that, there are some situations that would require more caution on your part.

For example, we always recommend cleaning the motorcycle chain before making a long journey, or if you have just completed a journey in very difficult conditions, such as it can take place on muddy ground.

It is also advisable to remember to clean the chain if you have washed the motorcycle with degreasing products, such as those you can use for cleaning the rims , or even before storing the motorcycle in the garage, at the end of the season.

What you need to clean the motorcycle chain

Fortunately, cleaning the motorcycle chain is not a rather difficult process, and the material you will need is basic: get some old newspaper sheets, some rags, degreasing products that you can easily find on the market, grease for chains and protected with some latex gloves.

How to clean the motorcycle chain

At this point, we can briefly summarize the cleaning phases of the motorcycle chain. The first thing you need to do is to eliminate the dirty grease through the use of special degreasing products. Generally they are available in the form of specific sprays, which are sprayed on the reference area: direct the jet from the top on the lower chain near the sprocket and dispense the degreaser while you spin the rear wheel backwards, to distribute the product all over the chain. Then let it act for a few seconds, or as directed by the manufacturer of the degreaser. Finally, scrub with the rag until it is clean and wait about ten minutes.

You must therefore proceed to grease the chain through the use of a special product. The procedure will be the same: act as you did with the degreaser! Alternatively, you can apply the grease directly to the chain, avoiding working with the wheel. The choice is yours!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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