How to choose a password to protect emails and personal data

Discover effective ways to share your Wi-Fi connection in emergencies. Learn how to create a mobile hotspot, use Wi-Fi extenders, and optimize the shared network for optimal performance. Staying connected is crucial in times of crisis.

How to choose a password to protect emails and personal data

In emergencies, staying connected to the internet can be crucial for communication, accessing vital information, and seeking help. However, it is common for network providers to experience outages during such times. In this article, we will explore different methods to share your Wi-Fi connection with others during an emergency, ensuring that you can stay connected and support those around you.

Choosing a strong password to protect your emails and personal data is crucial. Here’s a tabular guide to help you create a secure password:

Criteria Good Practice Bad Practice
Length At least 12 characters Fewer than 8 characters
Complexity Mix of letters, numbers, and symbols Simple words or common phrases
Predictability Random combination Easily guessable (like “password123”)
Personal Information Avoid using easily accessible info (birthdates, names) Using personal details linked to you
Uniqueness Different from your other passwords Reusing passwords for multiple accounts
Regular Updates Change periodically, especially after a breach Rarely or never changing it
Memorability Memorable but not easily guessable Either too complex to remember or too simple
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Sharing Wi-Fi Connection

During emergencies, when regular Wi-Fi networks are down or overwhelmed, improvising alternative methods becomes necessary. Here are some effective ways to share your Wi-Fi connection in such situations:

  1. Create a Mobile Hotspot
    • Most smartphones have a built-in option to set up a mobile hotspot. This allows you to share your cellular data connection with other devices nearby.
    • Navigate to your phone’s settings and look for the “Hotspot” or “Tethering” option. Enable it and choose a secure password.
    • Other devices can then connect to this hotspot by searching for available Wi-Fi networks and selecting yours.
  2. Use a Wi-Fi Extender
    • Wi-Fi extenders are devices that amplify your existing Wi-Fi signal and extend its reach.
    • In an emergency, you can use a Wi-Fi extender to share your internet connection with nearby devices that cannot connect independently.
    • Set up the extender according to the manufacturer’s instructions and connect it to your existing Wi-Fi network. Other devices can then connect to the extender as if it were a separate network.
  3. Utilize Wi-Fi Mesh Systems
    • Wi-Fi mesh systems consist of multiple devices that work together to create a seamless network with extended coverage.
    • During emergencies, setting up a Wi-Fi mesh system can help ensure that everyone in your vicinity has access to the internet.
    • Install the mesh system according to the manufacturer’s instructions, placing the devices strategically to maximize coverage. Once set up, others can connect to the mesh network.
  4. Share via Ethernet
    • If you have a working internet connection through an Ethernet cable, you can share it with other devices in your surroundings.
    • Use an Ethernet splitter or switch to connect multiple devices to the same wired connection.
    • Ensure that the devices you want to share the connection with have Ethernet ports or use Ethernet-to-Wi-Fi adapters.

Enhancing the Connection Sharing Experience

To optimize the shared Wi-Fi connection during emergencies, here are some additional tips:

  • Prioritize Essential Devices: Limit the number of devices connected to the shared connection by giving priority to those that require internet access for essential communication or tasks.
  • Optimize Speed and Performance: To improve the speed and stability of the shared connection, close unnecessary apps, disable automatic updates, and avoid downloading large files.
  • Secure the Network: Set a strong password for your shared Wi-Fi network to prevent unauthorized access. Regularly change the password to maintain security.
  • Communicate Network Availability: Inform others around you about the availability of the shared Wi-Fi network and provide them with the network name and password. This will help everyone stay connected and informed.
  • Plan for Power Outages: In emergencies, power outages are common. Ensure you have alternative power sources, such as power banks or portable generators, to keep your devices and the shared Wi-Fi connection operational.


In times of emergencies, staying connected can be a lifeline. By creating a mobile hotspot, using Wi-Fi extenders or mesh systems, and utilizing Ethernet connections, you can easily share your Wi-Fi connection with others. Remember to prioritize essential devices, optimize performance, and ensure network security. By taking these measures, you can help those around you remain connected and informed during critical times.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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