How to change the color of WhatsApp Messenger to black on Android and iOS

The use of dark mode in many applications is already a very general trend , especially those, where you can spend hours viewing your messages. It is that it has become a very great need, due to the fatigue problems that it can cause to the sight.

In the following article we are going to show you what you should do to change the color of WhatsApp Messenger to black on Android and iOS, the dark mode.

As it could not be left behind without applying this new function known as Dark Mode,  WhatsApp Messenger has begun to implement it. It is an interesting tool that offers users tangible benefits. Since fatigue and visual problems are more frequent every day in those who spend long hours glued to their mobiles.

WhatsApp has implemented new functions on its platform, which has allowed more users to join and become part of its large family. Among its new additions we can mention how to be able to block WhatsApp with the fingerprint or face .

How to change the color of WhatsApp Messenger to black on Android and iOS

These additions of the new functions are carried out in each update that the platform carries out, to offer the best service to its users. And best of all, it is available for both Android and iOS operating systems . But how does this Dark Mode help when viewing the application on our mobile?

It produces a relaxing effect to the eye, since it eliminates brightness and contrast and works much better on an OLED-type screen. For this reason it is very convenient to use this mode on our mobile when we are using the App. So we will explain how to change the color of WhatsApp Messenger to black on Android and iOS.

Regardless of which system you are using, you can perform the same steps since we will work from the WhatsApp application. It is also important that you know that in our devices, when we enter the application we will not find the Dark Mode function. Only the ability to change from light to dark.

You will also find the Background option, where you can change this for different backgrounds, these can be one that you choose directly from the gallery. Or the gallery of backgrounds that the application has, you can also add a solid background. Or if you prefer, you can leave it with the background that the application gives you by default or without a background.

Change the color of WhatsApp Messenger to black

You will realize that performing this operation is very simple and you only have to take a few simple steps, first you must enter the WhatsApp App . Then you will go to the upper right and click on the three-point icon. When you perform this action, you are shown several options from which you will select Settings.

Here a window will open where they show us the information about our account and the status image or photo. Among the options that we will find in this window are, Account, Chats, Notifications, Data and storage, Help, etc. but in our case we are going to select Chats .

Here we will also find several sections such as Screen , Chat Settings, etc. but we will turn our attention to the Screen section. And we are going to choose the Theme option, a small box will appear with two options Clear that it should already be selected and Dark, we select this option and then click on Ok.

The background color will immediately change to dark and this function resembles the dark mode used in other applications. In this way we have concluded with this interesting, very didactic tutorial that could give you a real orientation on how to change the color of WhatsApp Messenger to black in Android and iOS, dark mode.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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