How to change the background in Instagram stories? – Answers and colors

Instagram stories have a wide variety of options for their design from adding, stickers, using filters that change the background, placing a video, among many options.

If, on the contrary, what you want is to simply place text, you can not only change the color of the letters, but you can combine it with the background so that you have the best possible contrast that goes with the style of your publications.

Index( )

  1. How do you change the background of a shared story on Instagram?
  2. What do you do if you want to change the background of a story uploaded on Instagram?
    1. Is it possible to change the background directly from Instagram?
    2. How do you adjust the background in an Instagram story?
  3. Is it possible to add images to a reply on Instagram?


How do you change the background of a shared story on Instagram?

Upload, record, edit following the advice of the platform, for example, reduce its size a bit, until you see two well-differentiated areas : the image and the unicolor background. At the top of the ribbon, look for an icon that is shaped like a curved line, if it does not appear, look for the button that has three ellipsis points, the icon in question should appear there. Select it.

A totally different ribbon will appear at the top . Click on the button that resembles a fine-tipped marker (the one furthest to the left) at the bottom, a color palette will be displayed, select the one you want to place at the bottom. Once the color has been chosen, press the screen for approximately 3 seconds and you will see how it changes in its entirety.

What do you do if you want to change the background of a story uploaded on Instagram?

The steps you need to follow to modify the background of a story that you have shared on instagram are quite simple and easy to follow, you can do it in the application itself, you do not need to look for other software to carry out this activity. Once you choose the background you can proceed to add stickers, music, tag a friend , etc.

Is it possible to change the background directly from Instagram?

To change the background directly from Instagram, once you are in the application, access the main screen of the publications, by clicking on the button that is at the bottom and has the shape of a house.

After you are in it, slide the left edge of the screen to the right and the editor will be activated, click on the button on the left that says ‘Create’ ( the position of this button can vary and be on the right ).


The screen of a certain color will appear, if it is not the one you like, in the lower right corner there is an icon in the shape of a circle with the color of the screen, click on it and the screen will change color, select the one of your preference and voila you will have changed the screen background of your instagram story.

How do you adjust the background in an Instagram story?

If what you want is to share a publication by placing an image in the background of the story, the procedure is quite simple, click on your profile photo to add a story , the camera will be activated automatically and you can take a photo that you can place as a background of screen.

If the photo is in your mobile gallery, go to the lower left corner, there you will see a square icon with the last capture you have taken with your camera, select it, the list of images you have available on your phone will open. cell phone, choose the one you want to place.

Remember that you can adjust the dimensions of these images by pressing two points on the screen at the same time and increasing their distance to enlarge the image or joining the points to decrease the dimensions of the figure.

Is it possible to add images to a reply on Instagram?

If you want to send a message, be it a private response or include images in it, the first thing you have to do once you enter the application is to go to the main page by pressing the house-shaped icon at the bottom of the screen, once In it we see  some circular photos that are the stories of the accounts you follow, select the one you want to answer.

You will see the latest stories that that user has published, select the one you want to respond to, at the bottom of the screen you will see a message box and on the left side an icon in the shape of a camera.

The first is to write the answer you want to make, the second is to add the image that accompanies your answer, click on the latter and it will take you to the mobile gallery where you can choose the image of your choice or take a photo in that moment to add them, finally press ‘Send’ to send the chosen image to the recipient. The message ‘Response sent’ will appear and that’s it.

Remember to keep your application updated to the most recent version so that you can make use of all the available tools.