How to change or modify the data or shipping address of an Amazon order

Currently it is very common to buy online, since this became a reality, people have preferred to make purchases directly online than to go to the store that is in their city. Buying online can be considered a quite addictive activity and more if the pages and platforms to be able to buy are to our liking.

Usually online shopping platforms have a “cart” which is basically like a market basket. Here you can add the products you want to purchase and be able to make a large purchase. You just have to wait a few days or weeks, depending on which part of the world you are shopping from and voila, you will have your products at the door of your home.

One of the best and most used platforms is Amazon , being this as a global leader in electronic commerce. Amazon offers too many products on its page, from electronic devices to objects to decorate your home. It offers applications and games, sports articles, entertainment and even offers audiobooks, etc.

Some of the best inventions of Amazon is that it now has its own streaming platform , called Amazon Prime Video, go and create your account on this platform and do not miss out on watching all the series and movies it offers.

Amazon and your orders

As we already know, Amazon is one of the greats when it comes to e-commerce. At this moment thousands of people are on your platform buying and buying objects. Do not stay behind and create your account on Amazon , this is quite easy to do, so do not miss it and check the new decorations for your kitchen right now.

Many times it has happened to us that we are buying some things on this website and we got confused, we put some data about the delivery or our address wrong or we even got confused with the payment method. This is quite common, but don’t worry, Amazon if you have the option to modify any data in case you have made a mistake, here we will explain how to solve it.

I got confused when putting the details of my purchase through Amazon

The most likely thing is that you got confused when you wrote your address information since that is why you are here reading about this topic. You should know that you do not have to worry about this, it is a mistake that we have all made when buying something.

You just have to bear in mind that the only way to edit your data is that the order is in the picking or preparation phase . This means that the order is barely being managed in the warehouse to be able to process the shipment.

How to change the data in my purchase

To change the details of your purchase on Amazon you must follow the following steps. They are quite simple, so modifying them will be a simple and fast process.

First of all, you must log into your Amazon account , after placing your order go to “account and lists” and you will see several options, click on “your orders” . After this, a list will appear with the orders you have made and we will see an option that says “order details” or “modify order” and select the option.

There we will see in detail the details of the order you made: shipping address, payment method, gift voucher balance. Select the information you want to edit and click “change or apply.” Make sure you write the right one.

Something important that you should know is that if you use the “change” option, keep in mind that you can perform two actions: change the payment method and modify the shipping speed . That is, they could deliver the product faster than the time you had ordered. If you agree to this, they can charge you an additional payment to what you had previously made.

When buying through Amazon we can buy items from anyone or from Amazon. This means that if you buy your own Amazon product you will have more time to modify any data. But if you bought from an external seller you will have approximately 30 minutes to modify any data. If that is your case, we recommend that you try to contact the seller directly and be able to explain your situation.

Make sure  to verify your data before making a purchase online, this is quite important and so we can avoid any bad time due to a tiny error.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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