How to center titles and headings in WordPress

In this article we are going to teach you, in a step by step, how to adjust the titles that you are creating on a web page using the “WordPress” tool so that in this way, the desired titles or subtitles do not move when save the changes or otherwise, these settings are not saved.

Since this option does not appear in the new versions of ” WordPress “, this does not mean that the task of justifying can be done in the editor. This feature and how to make changes that are directly reflected on the website will be explained in more detail below .

Why is the button to justify text disappeared in WordPress?

Now, according to “WordPress” itself, the decision was made to remove this tool from the “Underline” of buttons and “Justify” text from the classic editor for various reasons.

  • The underlining of online texts is considered not recommended since users can confuse and relate the underlined text as a link.
  • Justifying the text in “WordPress” is often detrimental to its readability, since different browsers assume the justified text differently and the final appearance can be very attractive to the reader (especially on the screen of a mobile device).

In this sense, updating a program (in this case “WordPress”) is for the purpose of simplifying the aesthetics or improving its effectiveness for better performance.

How to center titles and descriptions in WordPress?

Naturally, you will find the themes that contain the default title on one side of the screen, and it cannot be modified since it is programmed in ” WordPress ” in this way . Now, making this modification so that the text is justified is quick and easy to execute for its configuration on the web page you are creating:

  • With the project of the web page open, he goes to enter the administration panel of wordpress: .
  • Being inside the configuration panel, it is located in the option with the name of “Appearance-Theme Editor” and initiates the modifications.
  • Located inside the “Theme Files” panel, locate the tool: ” Theme Header ” (header.php) that is located on the right side of your screen, inside a white vertical banner.
  • Look in the center of your computer screen, you will see the section of codes in which you must be very careful not to erase data from the language, since this alters its functionality.
  • You must copy all the code that appears on the screen and then open the “Notepad or a new sheet in” Word “and paste the code, this being a backup of the code.
  • Now done this, scroll down the code screen to locate the next one with this name: ” ?> <! DOCTYPE html> “, this code just use it as a reference to verify that you are on the correct page.
  • Locate this line of code “<div id =” page “class =” site “>” and below this you will place the following code ” <center> ” and proceed to close the code that you inserted with this other code similar to the previous one but with a variant “</center>”.
  • Keep in mind that it is important that the previous code places it right after this ” </header> “, in this way the configuration is correct and completed.

After you have finished all the relevant settings, proceed to update the file and close the “ Theme Editor ” panel . Reload the page in question to observe that the title has been centered along with the selected description, in this way it is confirmed that the entire procedure was effective and executed correctly.

Thus, in a few steps, your web project has its titles justified without much difficulty and provides harmony for its reading.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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