How to beat Kasane Randall in Scarlet Nexus (first fight)

Scarlet Nexus has two different protagonists, and you can choose which one to play as at the beginning of the game. Depending on who you choose, you will have to fight each other. As Yuito, you will face Kasane multiple times and she can be a difficult opponent. Here’s how to beat Kasane’s first boss fight as Yuito in Scarlet Nexus .

How to beat Kasane Randall in Scarlet Nexus (first fight)

This first fight against Kasane comes during a training exercise between the two platoons, so the stakes are not high yet. That being said, it is still difficult if you are not prepared. So first of all, make sure you stock up on as much light jelly as possible to heal yourself during the fight.

This is a one-on-one battle, so no teammate or outside power is available to either of you. Kasane has the exact same psychokinesis powers as you, so she will use them to throw things in your direction from a distance. When it does that, you can dodge using Circle on PlayStation or B on Xbox at the last second, then send whatever I throw at it by pressing R2 or RT. However, it will dodge any object thrown at it if it is not in the middle of an action.

However, this is the easy part. Kasane’s knives will put you at a disadvantage if you get too close to this boss fight. But eventually you will have to go in to perform melee attacks to charge up your psychokinesis meter while lowering the yellow crush gauge below his health. Try to land a hit or two to prime her flying knife attacks, then duck out of range to charge up a psychokinesis cast as she completes her combo.

Another tip is to look for special items around the perimeter of the parking lot that you can launch by holding down L2 or LT. These special throws will trigger rapid event matchups that will greatly reduce Kasane’s crush gauge if successful. Keep this little dance in and out of reach until the infatuation gauge is depleted. Then do a Brain Crush attack and deal heavy damage.

You’ll have to repeat this several times, but that’s the general flow of this Kasane boss fight. She doesn’t have much else to take care of this time around as she is playing almost exactly like Yuito right now.

That’s everything you need to know about how to beat Kasane’s first boss fight as Yuito in Scarlet Nexus . Take a look at our wiki guide for more tips, tricks, and other information about the game.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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