How to apply borders and shading in cells in an Excel worksheet

Computer tools have undoubtedly been of great benefit to all of us, allowing us to create various types of documents such as Excel, being a program that is linked to Microsoft Office , with a great variety of functions that we can use in a way simple and precise, although for many using this tool is a bit complicated, however you have to try.

Excel is based within its characteristics on making spreadsheets and summations , this among its functions most used by large companies worldwide, it has become a professional and safe ally for multiple multinational commercial companies, of various kinds.

It also provides us with the option of creating web pages with Excel , and making different graphics for any occasion that arises, learning to use this tool perfectly would facilitate many things, and we would be working with the best program in its field.

What can I do with Excel and what are its features?

In general, Excel allows us to carry out infinities of projects , such as recovering previous data, analyzing data to generate various reports, and of course a good organization when working on our activities, in a clean and orderly way.

By using the Excel tool, we can analyze the data to obtain specific information on something in particular, and thus be able to rule out failures and improve weaknesses in a company or business, doing so effectively and immediately.

Undoubtedly, some of the graphs with which we can work in Excel are one of the best features and functions that it has, since it allows us to visualize the data in a faster way and to be able to reach the conclusions of the project with an ease of handling and study much older.

Excel optimizes our projects and also our analysis processes in a satisfactory way in every way, and the best thing is that to use this exemplary tool, we do not need to have basic knowledge of mathematics , because the tool is basically automatic in terms of moment of the summations and others.

Is it possible to place the shaded borders of cells in a worksheet in Microsoft Excel?

Definitely this question arises a lot when doing projects with Excel , and the answer is yes, it is possible to perform this function and the best thing is that it is super easy to do it, we just have to enter the document, in this case the spreadsheet that we are using at the moment.

To place the border, we go to the ” source ” option, there we must select the cell to which we want to place said border , once this is done, we go to ” start ” and click on the ” arrow ” which is next to ” borders ”, and then we click on the border that we like, and voila, we will see how the border automatically and quickly is in the cell.

To do it with shading, it is almost the same procedure as above, we select the cell, then we place ourselves on the option of ” source ” that appears at the beginning, then we press on the ” arrow ” that is next to ” color fill ”, and then we go to ” standard colors ” where we will choose the color we want, finally we press the color, and voila, we can see how the cell has the shading.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Microsoft Excel tool

One of the greatest positive things that Excel contains is that it works hand in hand with the theme of aesthetics, allowing us to fully customize the project we do , with colors, fonts and other creative elements, in the same way we can create spreadsheets and As if that weren’t enough, create forms to enter data .

Also another very exceptional advantage is the fact of being able to add automatically between rows and columns in a fast way and without much effort for the employer, and of course add hyperlinks in a simple way in our documents.

Among its disadvantages, it is good to know that the documents and files that we create in Excel tend to take up a lot of storage space, which is why a more feasible way to use Excel is through a computer or pc, to prevent our mobile becomes congested.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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