How to adjust DPI scaling in Windows 10

Windows 10 is an operating system with presets.
Among which, we find the scaling PPP ( Pixels Per Inch ) or in English DPI ( Dots per Inch ) .
With this screen large enough, this setting may cause the display to be too small.
Windows 10 will then set the scaling with high DPI resolution .
We can then reduce it.

This article guides you to adjust DPI and DPI resolution scaling in Windows 10 .


  • 1What is Windows 10 DPI scaling?
  • 2How to adjust DPI scaling in Windows 10
    • 1From Windows 10 settings
    • 2In the Windows registry
    • 3Change the high DPI scale of an application
    • 4Reset / Restore Windows 10 Default Scaling
  • 3Links
  • 4Find the solution on the help forum


To know everything about PPP or DPI , read:

What is pixel, DPI, DPI and PPI?

Remember that DPI and PPP are the same things.

Applications created before Windows high resolution support assume that the pixel density will be set at a specific scale.
This scale is called “100%” and is approximately 96 dots per inch (DPI) .
Applications written at 100% DPI just don’t have enough graphic detail to look good on high-resolution displays.
Windows ensures that each application takes up the right amount of screen space, regardless of the DPI scale.
This ensures that the text and controls are about the correct size, regardless of the DPI of the display.
Because of this, apps that can’t handle different DPI scales will look “pixelated” when Windows expands the app to take up the right amount of screen space.

But it can happen that Windows 10 detects your screen incorrectly and uses high DPI scaling which causes the display to be too large.
Conversely, too low a scaling results in a small display.
In this case, user can adjust and change Windows 10 DPI resolution scaling settings .



Here’s how to change Scaling Too High or Too Low settings in Windows 10.

Time required:  10 minutes.

How to adjust DPI scaling in Windows 10

  1. Open Windows 10 settings

Open Windows settings 10 from the Windows 10 Start menu and icon notched wheel .

  1. Access System settings

From Windows 10 settings, click System .

  1. Change the scaling

Then in the Scaling and layout section , set the percentage.

  1. Advanced scaling settings

You can also define a custom scaling.
This allows you to set a scaling size if you are having issues displaying unreadable, blurry text in applications .
Click Advanced Scaling Settings .

  1. Custom scaling

Then set the scaling size with the desired percentage in order to adjust and resolve high DPI.
Enter the percentage and click Apply .

  1. Sign out

Click Disconnect Now to log off .
Log in again and check if the new PPP settings are right for you.

Well done ! You have successfully changed the Windows scaling settings from the DPI scaling settings.


The scaling value is stored in the Windows registry .
We can therefore modify it very easily.

  • Open the registry editor by pressing the Windows + Rkey combination ,
  • Then type regeditand hit
  • If prompted by UAC, press Yes to continue.
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop 1
  • In the right pane, look for a Logsixel 2
  • Then click on Decimaland set the desired DPI value
  • Finally restart your computer to take into account the changes

The values ​​to apply:

PPP Amplify
96 100% (default)
120 120% (Medium)
144 144% (Large)
192 192% (Extra Large)
240 250%
288 300%
384 400%
480 500%

The PPP values ​​to apply in the Windows registry

Well done ! you have successfully changed the scaling settings from the Windows registry.


Older applications may not use the recent Windows 10 display APIs.
This may cause the application to display trouble.
Compatibility mode can resolve this.

  • Close the application
  • Make a right clickon the launch icon and Properties
  • Then click on the Compatibilitytab
  • At the bottom click on Change high DPI settings 1
  • Then check this setting to solve program scale update problems 2
  • Confirm with OK then restart the application
  • Further down, in override high DPI scaling behavior. This is to prevent Windows from resizing the application DPI scale.

More information on the compatibility mode:

Compatibility mode: run old app on Windows 10


There is no option to disable the scaling of Windows 10. On the
other hand, if you have modified the default values ​​or you can no longer restore them, they can be reset.

You can use the following REG file that needs to be merged.
He will restore the PPP defaults Windows 10 or so 96 dots per inch .

The following Powershell script also allows you to restore and reset the default scaling values:

Force 100 DPI Scale.ps1


  • How to change screen resolution on Windows
  • Windows 10 display options and settings
  • Change font size on Windows 10
  • Themes on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10
  • Windows 10: Change the wallpaper and background image
  • Customize Windows 10 wallpaper: videos, gallery
  • How to enable Windows HD Color (HDR) in Windows 10
  • 5k, 4k, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, FHD, QHD: Streaming and resolution differences in games

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by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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