How to add run command to Windows 10 taskbar

If you have asked yourself, How can I add the run command to the taskbar in Windows 10 ? Well, here we will tell you the steps to follow so that you can use this tool much more quickly.

The run tool is one of the most used by Windows users. Because behind every double click, this command is hidden. However, this tool is constantly being used to open the CMD command console and the registry editor. This to give personality to our Windows through commands. Unfortunately the default icon was removed in Windows 10, so we will have to add it manually.

How to add run command to taskbar?

The taskbar is a complement that all versions of Windows bring, and that has been evolving with each update. This bar is highly customizable , so we can place a large number of applications on it. In this way we can open them without having to look for them in their folder.

First we will have to look for the execute command. We will do this from the start menu, first we proceed to open the menu , through the lower right corner of the screen. Then we will have to look for the symbol of a magnifying glass, which in this version of Windows is the one that opens the bar where we can search for all kinds of apps.

In case we do not like this mechanic, we can always place or install the Windows 7 start menu in our Windows 10. Where we will have the search bar much more in sight. In any of these cases we will have to enter the word ‘execute’ and wait for it to get what we are requesting.

Once we see the icon, we will have to place the mouse over it and right click. This will show us several options, but the one that interests us will be to anchor. If we click on that option, the icon will automatically appear on our taskbar and we can use it.

Another method to add the run command to the taskbar

Another way we can do this is to find the shortcut to run from its own folder. For this we will have to press ‘Ctrl’ and then the ‘R’ key. With this we will open the execute command but it is not yet anchored to the taskbar. So we will have to write ‘appdata’ and click on accept.

With this a folder will be opened, in which we will have to go forward, first we will open Roaming, then we must look for the Microsoft and Windows folders respectively. With this we will have access to the start menu folder and once here we will have to open the programs folder.

To finish we must open the system folder, which will be in the aforementioned folder, from this we can see several programs, but the one we are interested in is the ‘run’.

Once we have it located, we will have to click on it and drag it to the start menu without releasing the click. Then we will see that we get an option to anchor it. When we read this, we only need to release the click and it will be fixed to the bar. In case you want to delete it, it is the same as when we delete any icon from the taskbar.

How can it be useful to place the execute command in the bar?

The command called ‘run’ , is just the abbreviation or contraction of the CMD. Because it does a similar task, only much more abbreviated. With it we can open any program installed on our computer, in addition to the fact that we do not need great knowledge to access it.

For these reasons, having it on the taskbar or in the start menu, what it does is that we have it much more in view than normal. This has become a necessity, because Windows 10 has removed it from the default site that it had in previous installments, forcing us to place it manually.

Run allows us to open any program installed on our PC , as well as to open hidden Windows utilities. And although it is little known, it has been shown that programs opened in this way load faster.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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